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after my husband died I had put in security system.

Every door and window in my house has a intruder alert on it. Cost me 25 a month to be monitored.

That's fine I'll pay it. Peace of mind you can't put a price on.


If I forget to activate it at night by 10 they will send me a email and remind me. Keep doors locked in day time

Windows have never been opened, probably stuck. Ha


On back up battery if power is out. Garage doors is on gadget alert, also.


Better believe if I'm not expecting you best keep walking. your best protection is your brain. If I sense a threat......911.............

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If I sense a threat it is a gun.....then 911.

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

way it is nowdays the home owner would be the one in trouble if he tried to shoot somebody. I want to prevent it

from getting that far.

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 I like that movie - Charles Bronson was so attractive then.

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Giada's grandfather was Dino De Laurentiis.  

I am not a fan of that movie at all. The first 20 minutes is traumatizing.
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@SharkE wrote:

Horrible film ! Scarred me for life. Couldn't believe they did a remake with Bruce Willis.

Women went thru a horror.  Don't let your children watch it.

@SharkE , I'm still traumatized, if I think about it. I know this kind of stuff goes on in this world, but watching it in such graphic detail, was unbearable. It did teach me to always be aware and vigilant of where I go and what I do, especially alone. On a positive note, Charles Bronson did a great job, and was a great actor. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I really liked the Death Wish series. I think there were four.


I'm thinking about getting a BB gun pistol to carry in my car. They can't arrest me for murder if I just hurt the guy real bad. Shoot in strategic places. First I'll take a picture of him to show what he's doing in my house/car and then I'll shoot him. A girl can't be too careful. I'm seriously thinking about this.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Judaline,  please keep thinking then do some research.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.