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Re: Death Cocktail Revealed: Lisa Marie Presley Took Lethal Opioids, Lost 40-50 Lbs. Weeks Before De

Thin women are glorified.  If someone isn't thin, read these threads and see what other women say about them.


In the business she and Elvis were in it's even worse.  

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Re: Death Cocktail Revealed: Lisa Marie Presley Took Lethal Opioids, Lost 40-50 Lbs. Weeks Before De

@threecees wrote:

TMZ had a show on last night about the life and death of Lisa Marie. It

showed all about her marriages, her upbringing, drugs, deaths in her life,

and how she and Priscilla were always at odds, now the money battles

are beginning.




I was flipping though the channels last night and ran across this. It truly was sad. The drug use, the wildness, blowing through 100 million dollars and basically being broke except for the life policies now. From their reporting it looks as if the death of her son is what threw her back into the opioid addiction. By all accounts she was simply devastated. Estranged from Priscilla etc. 


I cannot say that I am a fan of TMZ, but one thing that cannot be denied. The reporting tends to be true, at least with the big stories. 

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Re: Death Cocktail Revealed: Lisa Marie Presley Took Lethal Opioids, Lost 40-50 Lbs. Weeks Before De

I remember years ago seeing a interview with Priscilla, her saying, Lisa was a will full child.

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Re: Death Cocktail Revealed: Lisa Marie Presley Took Lethal Opioids, Lost 40-50 Lbs. Weeks Before De

[ Edited ]

The official autopsy report has been deferred, pending further investigation, which is not unusual. The current story, based on "inside sources" is just more speculation. 

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Re: Death Cocktail Revealed: Lisa Marie Presley Took Lethal Opioids, Lost 40-50 Lbs. Weeks Before De

What a sad shame!

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Re: Death Cocktail Revealed: Lisa Marie Presley Took Lethal Opioids, Lost 40-50 Lbs. Weeks Before De

Another sad story.  Not easy to be famous.  Saddens me.  I was crazy about Elvis.

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Re: Death Cocktail Revealed: Lisa Marie Presley Took Lethal Opioids, Lost 40-50 Lbs. Weeks Before De

@SharkE wrote:

what I figured all along. Repeat of Whitney Houston & daughter. These people never learn.


@SharkE No one can "learn" themselves out of addiction.  It's a disease.

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Re: Death Cocktail Revealed: Lisa Marie Presley Took Lethal Opioids, Lost 40-50 Lbs. Weeks Before De


This is so sad.


Heroin is used by models and celebrities for weightloss.  I could have sworn I read in the past from a celebrity who admitted to using heroin for weight loss to get into a bikini, and the weight is back on, probably because she is off heroin, but I could not find the story in the internet so I won't name her.  She probably had the stories scrubbed.  Thankfully she is alive and apparently well.

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Re: Death Cocktail Revealed: Lisa Marie Presley Took Lethal Opioids, Lost 40-50 Lbs. Weeks Before De

So much drug addiction in her life.  She openly discussed her trials and attempted rehabs with opioids.  Unfortunately, it was a losing battle for her.  I hope her family can find peace and her children will be able to have the strength to say no to this awful addiction. (Unfortunately, L.M. Presley had already lost a son to this scourge.). Maybe her remaining children will be able to make another choice having gone through these tough times.  My prayers are with the family.

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Re: Death Cocktail Revealed: Lisa Marie Presley Took Lethal Opioids, Lost 40-50 Lbs. Weeks Before De

Wonder what the "family insiders" did, if anything, to get her help before she ended up killing herself -- which is basically what she did, however unwittingly.