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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 03/16/2016

Been watching off and on, but enough to know the Stefano/Chad,Kate/Vic story line, which is good. The last I saw was Vic wishing Stefano a good trip, and you just knew that something bad was going to happen.

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 03/16/2016

On 3/18/2015 Judaline said:

She'd need Sami for something that intrinsic. Sami was the switcheroo queen-just give her a vial of blood and a computer and she could switch anything.


You'll find my heart at the Rainbow Bridge. Smiley Sad
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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 03/16/2016

Doesn't Daniel know how to shave - Nicole has to do it for him??? I was hoping she would also tell him to comb his hair!!

Will trying to act like a tough guy is not convincing. He needs to remember his responsibility in this mess.

The elephants storyline is the most boring, but at least she didn't carry it around with her today. Someone must have told Serena to stop wearing royal blue- she looks better in black.

Paige and her frowning face - for some reason her eyebrows annoy me. It is stupid I know, but they do!!

o/t to Jud - I saw your very nice comments to me on that other thread - I'm not going anywhere - you are stuck with me - haha!!

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 03/16/2016

That was downright creepy when Nicole announced she is great with a straight-edge razor and then shaved Daniel so he would look nice during his presentation.

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 03/16/2016

o/t to twin.......did you happen to read the latest entry on the other thread? All I can say is, HUH? I was lost before but now I'm thrown for a loop. I don't know what that's about.

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 03/16/2016

On 3/19/2015 Judaline said:

o/t to twin.......did you happen to read the latest entry on the other thread? All I can say is, HUH? I was lost before but now I'm thrown for a loop. I don't know what that's about.

I don't get that either! We don't know who is reading - and it is not private - so why apologize?

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 03/16/2016

Did anyone else notice Will saying to Paul's mother "you wouldn't want anyone to know that Paul's father WAS a Dimera????" It could have been nothing, but if it really WAS, then I'll bet Paul's father was E.J.......{#emotions_dlg.ohmy}

If Sami could be old enough to be Will's mother, then E.J. certainly could be old enough to be Paul's father, right????Wink

What was the shaving bit all about anyway??? ToDAY was just about the most boring DAY on DAYS I have ever watched.{#emotions_dlg.bored}

Since when is Abigail so concerned about her brother's life??? Since when does everyone drink tea and crumpets, on a tray, in the living room. Doesn't anyone sit in the kitchen anymore????? Are there even kitchens anymore???{#emotions_dlg.confused1}

How long was Sonny gone anyway???? About 15 minutes???? Where was his luggage?? I thought he was going to be gone long enough to think things over and relax.{#emotions_dlg.glare}

Do we all love Nic's furry jacket?????? NOT!!!!!{#emotions_dlg.scared}

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 03/16/2016

I don't know about the age thing with Paul's father. That kind of thing gives me a brain cramp. Was EJ even here back then? I think he lived abroad till he showed up in Salem as a race car driver. EJ Wells. And I think maybe Will was just fishing? Trying to get Rose to lose it and drop a name. But that stupid boathouse must be the answer.

I think they thought the shaving bit was sensuous. Anything but. Try stupid. But one good thing came out of it. A clean cut good looking guy. Stay that way, Daniel. Clean shaven is back.

Are you kidding? Abigail has been nosing into JJ's life since the minute he came back from England. She acts like his mother. I am pretty sure she was drinking her tea from the set the Q offered one day this week-the one with the butterfly dishes. I could tell by the scalloped top on the mugs. Of course hers was empty.

Sonny said he was going away, but he was back before breakfast, hahahaha

To me, Nicole looked like a stork in that get up.

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 03/16/2016

I watched yesterday because Y&R wasn't on and I'm pouty because my school is punished and cannot be in the tournament.

I thought the shaving thing was horrid. Proving that people who are couples in real life don't necessarily have chemistry on screen. And having her shave him was weird.

Is Paul really Stefano's son? That would be cool: Chad vs. Paul. Because right now it's Chad vs. Himself apparently and that's dull as dishwater but Chad vs. Another Son of Stefano's could be so cool.

I didn't shut it off. That's a plus. I will watch again today.

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 03/16/2016

So some of you think Paul could be EJ's son? for that matter he could be Tony's. But I think it would be way more dramatic if he's Stefano's because of Chad. Tony Randall and Larry King did it, LOL, so why not our Stef.

Jud and Snow, please say hi to OT!