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Registered: ‎08-13-2010

Hope all the college bribes get in the show. Wow love court tv was a great show, 

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FYI, if you are on FaceBook, they have a FB page!

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Re: CourtTV is returning!

[ Edited ]


I am so happy to read that Court TV will be returning!....It is so fascinating and interesting to watch the trials and the workings of our Judicial system!


Does anyone remember Joey?...He was also one of the attorneys on the show and my favorite, along with Vinnie, so I hope he will be returning also.


Thanks for the heads-up!...Wow, our DVRs will be working overtime!

~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Is this actual trials that allow television in the court room?

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Registered: ‎08-13-2010

@songbird  yes live TV I watched the Casey Anthony & Jodi Aries when they went to trial. I record it because it can be long. 

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Oh, that's good news.  Hope my cable will carry it.  I used to watch that all the time.  Interesting to see it live.  I was on the Grand Jury once and found it fascinating.

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It still seems like we won't be getting that or Dan Abrams, and I won't pay Youtube to watch something...but I really hope we get it...


...and since Robert Kraft has announced he wants a jury trial, and since they have video of him during the act(s), I would love for them to show that one! 


So hoping to get the channels.