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Re: Chuck Woolery has passed away

Another one gone - RIP.  It's gotten to the point I can't remember who is alive and who has passed when it comes to entertainers. 

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Re: Chuck Woolery has passed away

He always seemed to be a very decent man.  May he rest in peace.

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Re: Chuck Woolery has passed away

@MorningLover , great photos!  I too was saddened to hear about this.  He belonged to that dreaded club of parents who have lost their children.  I remember reading about how broken he was over his son Chad's motorcycle accident death at age 19.


He had begged his son to drive a car, rather than ride a motorcycle.  He was absolutely crushed by the tragedy, despite immersing himself in work to distract. I believe he began or was hosting "Scrabble" at the time.  He said only his faith sustained him through the horror.


Despite the sadness, he always seemed the epitome of the ebullient game show host-- friendly, alert, fun-loving.  



He and then-wife Jo Ann Pflug made a wow of a couple in 1980--

Screenshot 2024-11-24 at 2.17.19 PM.png


He had a certain joie de vivre that endeared and connected him to the audience...  RIP.


Screenshot 2024-11-24 at 2.27.58 PM.png

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Re: Chuck Woolery has passed away

I always liked him.  We lost one of the good guys today. RIP

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Re: Chuck Woolery has passed away

This is such sad news! When I was a little girl, I used to watch reruns of "Love Connection" when it was playing on the Game Show Network in the late 90s! He was one of my first celebrity crushes- I loved his laugh, smile, tan, face, hair and great personality. Chuck was such a candid and captivating guy- he always made me smile and laugh when I watched him on TV. He was the type of hunk who got even more handsome with age. This is really sad to hear. Rest in peace, Chuck 😢💓.

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Re: Chuck Woolery has passed away

I remember the "we'll be back in 2 and 2:
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Re: Chuck Woolery has passed away

@willomenia wrote:
I remember the "we'll be back in 2 and 2:

I was going to say the same thing!


God bless you, Mr. Woolery!  Thank you for many years of entertainment!  Rest in peace, sir!

I'm not short...I'm fun size!
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Re: Chuck Woolery has passed away

Without being specific, can someone clue me in as to what someone found controversial? Noticing the bit of back and forth.