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Re: Cher's new 36 year old boyfriend...

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@mspatmac wrote:

@Nonametoday wrote:

Sonny's no longer here to pick her up and support her financially when her losing relationship fails and she needs monetary support.



Cher's worth $360 million and still in demand.  Sonny was worth $2-$3 mil when he died.  Sonny never archived the wealth and fame Cher did.

@mspatmac  Sonny was always just the "hanger" for Cher to shine...Sonny played the underdog...made fun of by Cher with her comebacks in their comedy team ...the brow beaten Husband... it was their playbook.  Sonny was the brains of the "business". Cher even said that. He was not out for fame...but, he achieved, I feel,  more in his short life than Cher ever has. He was REAL...and had a purpose and a goal in life to serve the people. Cher on the other hand was and is, just a celebrity....nothing more.  Richer, sure....she is still making money and working. 




Wow.    I think you are selling her short. 


Any musician who can make 24 albums, selling in the neighborhood of 270 million albums worldwide is not "just a celebrity".  


Cher is one of the top recording artists of her generation, and you must realize that a LOT of work went into developing and managing her career.  


Not sure how you can compare Sonny, who was "real" to Cher.   He had the business mind, but she was more the entertainer ... not "just a celebrity".



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Re: Cher's new 36 year old boyfriend...

@Tinkrbl44  - I agree with you that Cher is not just your everyday "celebrity".  She's a multi-talented superstar.  All those reality stars are considered celebrities and Cher is way out of that league.

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Re: Cher's new 36 year old boyfriend...

[ Edited ]

Here's what Cher said about their relationship. She tweeted it.


He’s 36 & In End He Came after me,Till we met in the middle.He’s Consistent one ,I’m The Skittish one. We love each other…. LADIES NEVER GIVE UP. Neither One Wanted2 Make LONG. TRIP 2 Paris & Then PARIS WAS MAGIC,NEBI WANTED 2 C A.EGrill, Must say he was different 4 Me.
Nov. 23, 2023


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Re: Cher's new 36 year old boyfriend...

Cher can date whomever she wants and whatever the age difference is. More power to her. She has achieved in her lifetime what most of us could not. I think there are many who are jealous of her. Otherwise, why the mean spirited remarks? What's it to you whom she dates or loves? I find it amusing that the same kind of negativity doesn't seem to follow the men who date and marry young women 30 or 40 years younger, nor are those young women attacked for marry the old guy.  Once again, after all these years, it's still a man's world in every aspect, and the biggest obstacle to overcoming  that is in fact, other women.

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Re: Cher's new 36 year old boyfriend...

@VeneziaThank you. 

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Re: Cher's new 36 year old boyfriend...

@chiclet wrote:

Wish I could afford one of them....

Teeeheeeheeeheee @chiclet Good one!

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Re: Cher's new 36 year old boyfriend...

[ Edited ]

@Mindy D wrote:

Here's what Cher said about their relationship. She tweeted it.


He’s 36 & In End He Came after me,Till we met in the middle.He’s Consistent one ,I’m The Skittish one. We love each other…. LADIES NEVER GIVE UP. Neither One Wanted2 Make LONG. TRIP 2 Paris & Then PARIS WAS MAGIC,NEBI WANTED 2 C A.EGrill, Must say he was different 4 Me.
Nov. 23, 2023


@Mindy D


any clue about what she means by November 23, 2023?  Is that date set for marriage?  I have no problem with it if she did. 

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Re: Cher's new 36 year old boyfriend...

[ Edited ]

This is who Amber Rose is:


Amber Rose Kanye West : Here's all you need to know about the Kanye VZ ...


Amber Rose: I Was 'Heartbroken' After Kanye Breakup


Kanye West - Trending Topic


Amber Rose also had a child with another rapper named Wiz Khalifa and had a child with him.  They have broken up.  After Kanye and Amber broke up he got with Kim real quick!!!!!


The young man who is dating Cher at the time is an ex boyfriend of Amber Rose.

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Re: Cher's new 36 year old boyfriend...

[ Edited ]

@RainCityWoman wrote:

Cher can date whomever she wants and whatever the age difference is. More power to her. She has achieved in her lifetime what most of us could not. I think there are many who are jealous of her. Otherwise, why the mean spirited remarks? What's it to you whom she dates or loves? I find it amusing that the same kind of negativity doesn't seem to follow the men who date and marry young women 30 or 40 years younger, nor are those young women attacked for marry the old guy.  Once again, after all these years, it's still a man's world in every aspect, and the biggest obstacle to overcoming  that is in fact, other women.

Glaring assumptions much... If he was pushing 80 and she was 36 my own personal view would be the same: ridiculous... Not always about 'jealousy' either. For me, there's nothing about this guy I find particularly appealing... People are free to be with whoever they want to be with just as people are free to form opinions of all kinds...

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Re: Cher's new 36 year old boyfriend...

@Nonametoday Sonny actually left Cher nearly broke when they divorced. She picked herself up and reinvented herself a couple times. She was always the star. Being so young when she met Sonny Bono he controled her in everyway including financially.

