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Re: Cher on iHeart Jingle Ball

I watched and she sang great, but I wonder if some is not lip syncing.

I watched Barry Manalow and the D***k Van ****** shows and those were great.  I don't like the new Christmas shows with all the sexual dancing and people in my opinion that can't sing today, without all the noisy background stuff that drowns out the voices or words of the song.

It's for the young.  

I love the Christmas special of old.  Watched Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra with their families on utube and it was great.

Real Christmas songs, done the way it was meant to be.

The show was great and I rember watching it live years ago.

For me, it uplifts me. Todays music is depressing.

Nothing Christmas llke for me in todays shows.

Just promoting sexual movies.



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Re: Cher on iHeart Jingle Ball

I think the one who has the best natural look is Donna Mills. She looks fantastic and she is 82. Dolly Pardon looks plastic and Cher looks the same. As far as fitness, liposuction helps. These people have alot of money and can get the best of the best but some have gone overboard.

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Re: Cher on iHeart Jingle Ball

I think she'll prefer you to think she never had plastic surgery, lol.

Occasional Contributor
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Registered: ‎12-23-2023

Re: Cher on iHeart Jingle Ball

I just met Dolly last month and she looked fabulous! Maybe her figure is a little exaggerated and her make-up a little over the top. But she looked great. 

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Re: Cher on iHeart Jingle Ball

@Estellee wrote:

It's amazing she still sounds great after all these years.


No she doesn't. She doesn't sing, she yells and to me it's really grating. I don't know if she's abused her voice to the point that a voice coach (or a doctor) would help. I saw a glimpse of her the other night and she looks like a freak.


I know that a lot of her fawning fans will beat me to a pulp, verbally, but ahe looks and sounds just awful.