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Re: Casey Anthony’s Parents Speak! Anyone watching?

I watched this when it first aired as well. I had more questions than answers after seeing it. I don't think Casey has any desire to have a relationship with her parents.

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Re: Casey Anthony’s Parents Speak! Anyone watching?

I was so disgusted when the verdict of Casey's trial was announced. Unbelieveable!

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Re: Casey Anthony’s Parents Speak! Anyone watching?

@Katcat1 wrote:

To this day with all the lying and the smell of death in the trunk of her mother's car, I don't know how Casey walked away.  For 30 days her little girl was missing and she was out partying.  I hope she lives with this in her mind for the rest of her life.  She is one sick individual who does not deserve happiness.

I agree 100%

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Re: Casey Anthony’s Parents Speak! Anyone watching?

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

This is on right now on Lifetime channel. Oh my!’s so interesting! I really feel sorry for George, Casey’s dad. Her mom really appears to have a “few screws loose.” 



The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


I didn't watch, won't watch anything related to anyone in that family.

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Re: Casey Anthony’s Parents Speak! Anyone watching?

I watched it for 10 minutes.
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Re: Casey Anthony’s Parents Speak! Anyone watching?

@mom2four0418 wrote:

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

This is on right now on Lifetime channel. Oh my!’s so interesting! I really feel sorry for George, Casey’s dad. Her mom really appears to have a “few screws loose.” 

Is there a certain way for someone to act when one's precious granddaughter has been brutally murdered by her own mother who is also your daughter?  It does not matter what she says publicly.  What she truly knows in her heart may be very different.  

Yes-how about holding her accountable instead of doing what she apparently did Casey's whole life making excuses for her -

I'm so sick of hearing about what may or may not be in Cindy's heart -she certiainly didn't try to get any justice for her grand daughter always trying to protect Casey at any cost -it's disgusting

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Re: Casey Anthony’s Parents Speak! Anyone watching?

If this is the same one, I also watched it back a few months ago.


It was, um, interesting to say the least.  Smiley Happy   I had really never heard that much from either of them because, while I knew all about the case, I didn't really follow it that closely aside from the crime and the ridiculous acquittal of the killer.

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Re: Casey Anthony’s Parents Speak! Anyone watching?

@mousiegirl wrote:


@mousiegirl  Thanks. I had read a similar article a while back. It may have been  the same one. 

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Re: Casey Anthony’s Parents Speak! Anyone watching?

@Goldengate8361  I watched some of this in the late hours yesterday and that mother and father are both a piece of work.  They talk over each other as they need to be heard.  I had to turn it off.  Plus, I could not believe when Casey was in jail that they believed everything she said.  When the prosecutor was talking to the parents he said he believed Casey suffocated her daughter and I believe that too.  

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