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Watched it during the night. Recorded it. Stars G. Peck and R. Mitchum. Peck is great as an attorney going after Mitchum for crimes. The word rape is never used in the film,but that is what the film is all about. Ending is a "knock-out". Polly Bergan plays Pecks wife. 


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Where did you watch it?

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The movie was filmed almost entirely in Savannah. I was 11 years old in 1961. My parents took up downtown on a Saturday when they were filming and we got to see Polly Bergen, Gregory Peck and Lori Martin and Robert Michum.  Boy was it a big deal when it opened in Savannah. 

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There is also a newer version from 1991 with Nick Nolte and Robert DiNiro and Jessica Lange. 

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Think I've seen that. Maybe I'll try and catch it again on Streaming.

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Mitchum, was a bad boy in real life too. Every time I think of that movie I think of what Polly Bergen said about the

attack scene.


She had 'affection' for Mitchum and really had to fake the scene haahahhahaah Otherwise, she didn't want the director to holler "CUT".    

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Registered: ‎10-25-2010

That movie is a terrifying thriller.  It keeps you on the edge of your seat.


I love it...both old and new versions.