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Re: Canceled, Renewed or Ending?

[ Edited ]

It is So not looking good, for my current favorite network show, Nashville. 


It's not Masterpiece Theatre, but, I've watched it, from episode 1, and I'm hooked😀Sadly, I think the show could have been much better. The writers seem to descend into, total soapiness, and they lost viewers. 


I would love it, if, Nashville got, at least a partial 5th season, to wrap storylines; but I'm prepared for cancellation, even as I hope! 


I'm just hoping the writers don't end it on a bunch of cliffhangers.  Not fair to the viewers that have stayed with them🤓

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Re: Canceled, Renewed or Ending?

What ever happened to The Odd Couple?    I remember it being renewed, but it never showed up this season!

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Re: Canceled, Renewed or Ending?

The ones I will miss are - Rizzoli & Isles, Rookie Blues, Chasing Life and Girlfriends Guide to Divorce.  I was invested in all the characters.

The one that I think is the biggest loss is Chasing Life....As a cancer survivor...oh how I loved this show and the reality it portrayed while still not being too grim for others to enjoy.  Girlfriends Guide was my new Sex and the City....and I loved it.

I hate when they cancel shows like this without giving them more time....Dammit.

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Re: Canceled, Renewed or Ending?

In reponse to Nashville, I will put this in spoiler tags in case you don't want to know what is coming.


As of right now, they are taping episode 419.  With only two more episodes to go, there is no way this show is not ending on cliffhangers.  The three main couples as of 419 are estranged.  With all the damage done leading to 419, there is no way they can wrap the stories where the audience gets a satisfactory ending should the show be canceled.  Very irriating after putting 4 years into this show for these writers not to do the sensible thing by writing the last few shows as if were to end  
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Re: Canceled, Renewed or Ending?

I have seen Spoilers on what's ahead. I agree, it's really irritating when writers end on cliffhangers, and the show is cancelled. 


The writers must know, that renewal is highly unlikely.  It will be interesting to see what the ratings are, for the big episode coming up; I'm afraid it's not going to matter, too much, though. 


Last year, an announcement was made, that Revenge would not be renewed, storylines, were wrapped up. I didn't watch that show, but, something similar, would have been nice, for Nashville👿. 

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Re: Canceled, Renewed or Ending?

The upcoming ratings will not matter.  I read about two weeks ago the fate of all shows currently on the air has been made; even though, the networks may not make announcements to the public just yet.


Callie Khouri has stated in the past when asked if she was writing cliffhangers for the finale with the low ratings and the show on the bubble.  Her response was if we end of cliffhangers they have to bring us back.  Boy is she wrong. ABC has canceled tons of shows on cliffhangers.  IMO it is a huge slap in the face to the viewers for them to do this.  The writers have have to know this season cancelation is higher than ever this season.  


I didn't watch Revenge either, but I know it got announced around this time of the year the show was ending.   Another thing going against Nashville in addition to the low ratings is Paul Lee was forced out of the network.  Lee was a huge supporter of the show.  Word is Ben Sherwood will be working closely with Lee's replacement, and Sherwood apparently hates Nashville.  So even if the show had some reasurance from Lee it would be back, this is most likely moot now.  The writers should be writing the finale right now and no way can they fix the stories to give the Nashville viewers proper closure.  

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Re: Canceled, Renewed or Ending?

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

What ever happened to The Odd Couple?    I remember it being renewed, but it never showed up this season!

Months ago it was stated it would begin on April 7.  I have not heard anything lately.