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Butlers in Love-Hallmark movie

Am watching the premiere of Butlers in Love. Maxwell Caulfield is still so handsome. I remember him from so many movies when he was younger and had a big head of hair. I never knew there were actual butler academies...fascinating!

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Re: Butlers in Love-Hallmark movie

i am currently watching!

interesting premise and i agree about your observations regarding maxwell caulfield! he is 62. i was supposed to see him at a nostalgia festival this past year but he and his wife (juliet mills) both cancelled.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Butlers in Love-Hallmark movie

I think Juliet Hills is 80 now; never figured her for a cougar! 

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Re: Butlers in Love-Hallmark movie

See the source image

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Butlers in Love-Hallmark movie

I was hoping this would be better, but it's the same old thing for Hallmark.

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Re: Butlers in Love-Hallmark movie

it was a sweet movie.....pretty much on par for hallmark movies.



juliet mills is 80.......and she and maxwell caulfield have been married for 42 years.....i would say that that was a HUGE success!


"Everybody is always interested in the fact that I am married to someone who is a lot younger than I am ... There are no rules, and that's what I believe, because age doesn't really matter. If you meet someone that you're

really close to, someone that you love, stick with that.".....juliet mills



"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Registered: ‎07-16-2021

Re: Butlers in Love-Hallmark movie

I have learned not to expect anything epic from Hallmark. I thought the movie was very s-l-o-w and didn't really like the ending.Maybe I am just so tired of the Christmas movie overload I need to take a real break from everything Hallmark...I definitely won't be watching the Valentine movies; too corny and syrupy sweet for me. 

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Re: Butlers in Love-Hallmark movie

@Duckncover wrote:

I think Juliet Hills is 80 now; never figured her for a cougar! 

They have been married since 1980 .quite the record for hollywood.

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Posts: 42,141
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Butlers in Love-Hallmark movie

@MW in Iowa wrote:

@Duckncover wrote:

I think Juliet Hills is 80 now; never figured her for a cougar! 

They have been married since 1980 .quite the record for hollywood.




@MW in Iowa 


these days 42 years is quite the record for EVERYONE! Smiley Wink

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein