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We have been watching a lot of British  TV shows lately


We subscribed to a channel called Britbox. We also have Acorn, but Britbox  has more to offer, I think


I watch a British soap ,and can get up to date recasts of the shows, instead of being weeks behind ,and watching it via Canada


I have had so much fun with the cooking shows. Two Hairy bikers, and Nigellisma are among my favorites


If you like the stuff from the UK it is well worth the cost , which is around $10, I think

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Like you I have both Acorn and Britbox, and I like them both . Right now I'm watching " Upstairs Downstairs "  the 70's version, and it is wonderful. I get my subscription through Amazon Prime and it's 6.99.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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I’ve been debating between Britbox and Acorn.  I’d mostly be interested in detective series like Helen Mirren’s Prime Suspect.

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@tansy  I think that is showing on one of them. I like them both and enjoy them both

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Can you watch The Great British Baking Show? Love it & watch on PBS but not sure they will air the remaining episodes that haven't been seen in the US with the original hosts & I don't think the new series will air here....bummer!

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@kitcat51  You might be able to. They keep adding more programs every day ,it seems.  They have other cooking shows that are fun


I think this is quite a new channel

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@cherry I've never paid to watch TV but this channel sounds interesting so I'm going to look into it. Thanks for sharing the information & taking time to answer my question. Happy Thanksgiving.

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GBBS can be found on Netflix.  I believe they have four seasons available so far.

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I firstly bought Britbox from Britbox I think, then cancelled free trial to sign up thru Amazon.  Are they the same?  When I had the first Britbox I saw Hardtalk, but with Amazon I don't see that, anyone?