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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Bold & Beautiful...please resolve & move on!!!!!

This show has long worn out the Phoebe/Beth storyline! If the truth doesn't come out soon, Phoebe/Beth will be in high school. Hope is a hopeless dumb_ss. Liam is just the biggest sap ever. Why did he run to Hope the next day to admit he had slept with Steffy. Can't anyone keep their mouths shut! I don't watch this often & when I do catch it, it just confirms I am not missing a thing!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Bold & Beautiful...please resolve & move on!!!!!

@Novemberbaby  This is exactly WHY I stopped watching this show.  Go up and read my last says what you kinda said here.


Some of these soap stories just goes on and on and on.  It's like the writers are so lazy they can't come up with anything new.


The whole baby switcharoo thingy has been done over and over and is still going on over at GH....for months now!


Like you said so eloquently, it just gets old and goes on too long.

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Re: Bold & Beautiful...please resolve & move on!!!!!

It was a good storyline at first but it is dragging on!  I cannot believe that no one has spilled the beans by now!!  They have made Thomas downright evil and this new Thomas fits the bill perfectly!!  I bet that Steffie will be pregnant now and she will go back to being who she was when she kept going after Liam.

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Re: Bold & Beautiful...please resolve & move on!!!!!

Well, Liam and Hopeless are to me THE worst pair.  They are both droopy and whiney and bland.  At least with Steffy Liam has a little umph about him!  LOL!!!!  So for one, I hope they get back together. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Bold & Beautiful...please resolve & move on!!!!!

if i had hope's email address, i would tell her! i want this over too. maybe they will all end up, over the cliff. ugh!!