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Re: Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!



I agree with you 100%. Taylor has a huge following and will be greeted warmly when she leaves the house. One of the words I hear most often when someone is describing her is gracious and it's clear to see why. I'm so glad the showmance didn't continue because she deserves a much better man than Monte. 







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Re: Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!

@kjw wrote:

@GRANNY77 wrote:

Well we all have our opinions but this girl just rubs people the wrong way.  Why??? I don't know.  Apparently no one is jealous of anything about her so I'm clueless.  Many people on social media love her and are rooting for her.  They see something else I guess.


I'll speak for myself.  I felt bad for her at the beginning. She seemed ok.  Then she was taken in by LO and it wasn't by any big move she made, they needed her vote.  She got on Joseph's coattail.  He and Kyle let her win the wall.  She kept going around saying I won the wall, patting herself on the back.  That week was a mess, she has no idea how to play the game but she thought she was running the house.  Even Kyle mentioned that to Terrance.  She got very annoying and hard to root for.  She talks over everyone in every conversation.  She constantly brags on herself. But when I really got tired of Taylor was everytime you said you wanted Taylor to leave or you didn't like her, which everyone says that about every houseguest who they don't like, Taylor's supporters on all these different BB sites will berate you, how dare you not like Taylor, told you're jealous of her, you're racist, it's ridiculous.  Only Taylor's supporters do this.  No one is jealous of her.  


I really have to be honest here.  I see none of that with Taylor.  Am I blind?  Maybe you go on more BB sites than I do.  Do you have live feeds?  I do and I don't have that opinion about her at all.  I respect your version but I'm just not seeing it.  I want her to win and she stands a good chance from what I hear from people that have played this game before and won.  I just see so many people be nasty about her and it offends me the way they talk about her.  I don't think anyone needs to constantly berate someone over what I think are trivial things.  There is so much hate in this world and this is just a game after all.  

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Re: Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!

I believe through our life we meet people that don't make a good impression on us but depending on the situation we give them a chance.  I did not care for a few HG every year and that's OK.  Some I warmed up tp and some not.I never warmed up to Taylor.  Don't care for her personality, trashy clothes. she's uninteresting and i don't think there is anything attractive about her.  


While I wasn't the biggest fan of the cookout, they were interesting and it was enjoyable to watch them to the end.  Some TV shows I don't watch because I don't like the lead as well as some hosts. My personal opinion. 


No longer interested in who wins. Bring on Survior!



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Re: Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!

@GRANNY77 wrote:

@kjw wrote:

@GRANNY77 wrote:

Well we all have our opinions but this girl just rubs people the wrong way.  Why??? I don't know.  Apparently no one is jealous of anything about her so I'm clueless.  Many people on social media love her and are rooting for her.  They see something else I guess.


I'll speak for myself.  I felt bad for her at the beginning. She seemed ok.  Then she was taken in by LO and it wasn't by any big move she made, they needed her vote.  She got on Joseph's coattail.  He and Kyle let her win the wall.  She kept going around saying I won the wall, patting herself on the back.  That week was a mess, she has no idea how to play the game but she thought she was running the house.  Even Kyle mentioned that to Terrance.  She got very annoying and hard to root for.  She talks over everyone in every conversation.  She constantly brags on herself. But when I really got tired of Taylor was everytime you said you wanted Taylor to leave or you didn't like her, which everyone says that about every houseguest who they don't like, Taylor's supporters on all these different BB sites will berate you, how dare you not like Taylor, told you're jealous of her, you're racist, it's ridiculous.  Only Taylor's supporters do this.  No one is jealous of her.  


I really have to be honest here.  I see none of that with Taylor.  Am I blind?  Maybe you go on more BB sites than I do.  Do you have live feeds?  I do and I don't have that opinion about her at all.  I respect your version but I'm just not seeing it.  I want her to win and she stands a good chance from what I hear from people that have played this game before and won.  I just see so many people be nasty about her and it offends me the way they talk about her.  I don't think anyone needs to constantly berate someone over what I think are trivial things.  There is so much hate in this world and this is just a game after all.  

This is my point.  We don't have to have the same point of view, same opinions, same favorite or least favorite player.  Yes I have live feeds and I was on 6 or 7 BB sites and everytime you talked against Taylor, which I should have the freedom to voice my own opinion, I never said to anyone you have to agree with me, but if I said I wanted her evicted I was scrutinized and chewed out by Taylor's fans, and other people voiced it happened to them.   To the point I just got off all of them because it was ridiulous.  They bullied people.  

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Re: Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!

We all have people we like or dislike. It's okay to have a difference of opinion, as long as we aren't berating those who don't agree with us.  For instance...Janelle was a very popular contestant, but I have never cared for her. Or Doctor will...ugh!


As for Taylor, I admired the way she held herself together when she was verbally attacked by Daniel and Nicole, but I don't care for her personality. She's egotistical and acts like she is much better than anyone else. Just my opinion, which I have a right to, as everyone else has a right to their opinion. I have never liked or disliked a houseguest based on their looks.  


It is interesting to read everyone's posts, and see that we all have a wide variety of opinions. 

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Re: Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!

@lilybelle wrote:

We all have people we like or dislike. It's okay to have a difference of opinion, as long as we aren't berating those who don't agree with us.  For instance...Janelle was a very popular contestant, but I have never cared for her. Or Doctor will...ugh!


As for Taylor, I admired the way she held herself together when she was verbally attacked by Daniel and Nicole, but I don't care for her personality. She's egotistical and acts like she is much better than anyone else. Just my opinion, which I have a right to, as everyone else has a right to their opinion. I have never liked or disliked a houseguest based on their looks.  


It is interesting to read everyone's posts, and see that we all have a wide variety of opinions. 

I agree with you, except I have liked some players because of their looks, Lol.   I thought Cody was very cute but also a really good player.  

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Re: Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!

I suspect the online admirers like her because she acts like the Kardashian that does commercials for a migraine remedy. To me, Taylor looks sort of masculine.