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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

@puttypiesmom wrote:

I know that my opinion is not the popular one, but why take out a houseguest that no one would ever vote for to win and keep the one person who is super popular, charismatic who really does have a chance at winning?  

@puttypiesmom, I agree with G'man's comments on this and will add something else that's happening in the house this season. The Foutte side is really trying (finally trying)  to figure out who is the mastermind on the other side of these continuous blindsides. Unfortunately for them, they just don't have a clue.


Haleigh put up Tyler, not because she thinks he's the mastermind, but because she felt like he's playing both sides and needed to be shaken up. She goes back and forth, suspecting the rat is Scottie, and then trusting him. 


Rockstar believes it's Brett and Sam! 

"We'll put those two on the block together and then we'll get all the answers."

Two things--they don't even realize Brett is part of an alliance and he and Tyler have been working together since day one. And Sam? Sam does what she's told to do. Yesterday she thought there was a conspiracy that Tyler would be voted out this week in spite of him telling her over and over what their plan is. Sam is just Sam, she's no mastermind!


There are so many things that go into evictions. Timing, likability (charm), fear (physical or mental threat), fear of retaliation, and plan old luck to name a few.


The bottom line is, when you get to the end, there are only two people to choose from and it's not always the charismatic person who wins. It's such a risk.


This year, for example, there was talk among the women that they want a female to win no matter what. So regardless of who is in 2, if it's a male vs female, they will vote for the female. I can't even begin to say that, as a female, how degrading I find that attitude. I'm not sure if that's still the sentiment, I think they may have come to their senses. The winner should always be based on who played the best game and not be based on gender. And again, I've gone off on a tangent. Smiley Embarassed

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

Way OT, I'm blaming Suzy. This women gang mentality is degrading and adversarial. 

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

@occasionalrain wrote:

Bayleigh made two fatal errors, trusting Rachael, not even in her alliance, and not using her power once it was exposed.


Rachael deserved to be eliminated for her betrayal. How could anyone ever trust her?

I agree wholeheartedly with your first paragraph--especially about telling Rachel about the power. I think she didn't use her power this week because she was promised she wouldn't be nominated and she wasn't...Scottie and RS were. Bayleigh hoped by showing good faith and leaving noms the same she wouldn't get backdoored...something her power couldn't have saved her from anyway. It's that power app that did her in.


I didn't look at Rachel telling Bayleigh's secret as a betrayal because they were on opposite sides. I do understand that thought, but that's the game. Infiltrate the other side and see what intel you can bring back to your team. Rachel didn't see it as a betrayal to Bay, she had no intention of it becoming known to the house, she saw it as protecting Angela. But I can see both sides. 

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

@game-on wrote:

What I love about this year's show is that the hamsters change their minds....


Today they were trying to get votes to keep Bay .... I guess Rockstar is getting on their nerves again?


As for the cat stories.... I have a friend who attracted a feral cat... she ended up with lots of scratches on her arms.  She is the consumate cat lover.  I felt so bad for her.  That cat never was able to bond with her, and she was so good to it.

I think the people trying to get votes for Bayleigh to stay are Haleigh, Fessy,, I think I ran out of names!  


Tyler has his mind set on getting rid of Bayleigh this week because of her power. He has the support of Brett, Kaycee, JC, Sam, and very probably, Scottie. They have eight people voting this week so they need a minimum of four votes. With four votes, Angela would break the tie and send Bayleigh home. 


The only way I could see them saving Bay is if L6 thinks they can pull her in to their side and use her power to their benefit. So far, I haven't heard of that happening.


Your cat story scares me lol. The cat won't let me near it. I don't even know if it's male or female. I did read online that 80% of orange tabby cats are male. Something about the genes and the chromosomes and I tuned out! Anyway, as much as I'd love for it to be affectionate, I think I've simply been selected to be its benefactor until it moves on. 

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

 @gardenman popped in to make a comment (which I totally agree with), but he failed to let us know how he's feeling!  So I am hoping he will update us the next time he pops in!!   


Thanks to @SusieQ_2 and all the other Gardengirls for keeping us informed on the feeds!   I hope Bayleigh goes this Thurs!

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

[ Edited ]

I'm also hoping that @gardenman is getting better!


As far as BB goes, does anyone else find it odd that Rockstar seems to be a fish out of water in the kitchen? She can barely flip a pancake, & she's got 3 kids! What do they eat??


The 1st time that RS had to make a smoothie (that gazpacho-like concoction), she and Sam were reading the ingredients & directions aloud, & when the recipe called for 1/4th (?) cup "Balsamic", they squirted in a bunch of balsamic salad dressing! LOL!

I'm sure that a healthy smoothie doesn't include part of a bottle of salad dressing. Poor RS!


I think this season's cast is the healthiest & most exercising-est yet.


Good luck w/ your furry yard guest, @SusieQ_2.

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

I'm feeling good. The leg is the same as always, but I see the ortho doc tomorrow to see where we go from here. I'm off the antibiotics and back to my normal meds. By this time tomorrow I should know if more surgery is needed.

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

Last night I realized I had not deleted Sunday's show so I decided to watch parts of it.  Did anyone notice Sam when Tyler got put on the block?  Her eyes were filled with tears and she had a single tear fall down the right side of her face.  I just thought it was so sweet.  Really like her.


Good luck tomorrow @gardenman.

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

@gardenman I am sending you prayers for tomorrow. It is past time for you to get some good news.

Your voice was going through my head last week I was so dizzy I could not walk without listing all over the place & I heard you say "you don't want to break a femur". So I got to the ER for medicine before I hurt myself. My situation is nothing like yours but wanted you to know I followed your warning.

I am liking BB this year as it is not the Paul show.

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

@gardenman wrote:

I'm feeling good. The leg is the same as always, but I see the ortho doc tomorrow to see where we go from here. I'm off the antibiotics and back to my normal meds. By this time tomorrow I should know if more surgery is needed.

Keeping you in my prayers @gardenman that you get some good news tomorrow.