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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

@123SuzyQ123 wrote:

Angela just won the Veto and has told Tyler that she is taking him off the block!!  I hope so!  Things change so much, I don't know what to hang onto!  And, it also sounds like Bayleigh is going to go on the block when Tyler comes down!  I am still confused about the Hacker taking away a vote, but hopefully one of you will 'splain it !!   lol   

It just means that the hacker can choose a player and nullify their eviction vote on Thursday. Whoever is named--their vote won't count.



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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

The comp was one of those where the first player out chooses a prize (usually the veto) and the next person out can take that prize or choose something else. This is what each person won ~


Angela ~ Veto

Tyler ~ trip to Hawaii

Scottie ~ $5000

Brett ~ a 24 hr punishment 

Kaycee ~ peanut suit for 1 week

RS ~ some type of exercise punishment. I think she has to drink some weird protein shakes and do exercises like burpees and jumping jacks whenever they call her name. 



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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

@Graciesmom, you are probably right about that!  Julie didn't know what to do about the way Rachel was acting!  Most evicted HGs just come right out and talk with Julie, but Rachel was so upset she couldn't talk at first!  But I thought Julie disclosed a lot more info to Rachel than she has done in the past.  But like I mentioned earlier in this thread, I might be mistaken about that.


I am so glad that it appears that Tyler will come off the block, and it seems that Bay is going up.....IF things don't change!!

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

It's going to be a very interesting house later today when Angela saves Ty and puts up Bayleigh as the replacement. Turning on the queen like that will not go over well with her highness. Bayleigh will not be happy. It should be fun.

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

So true, G'man. Today's veto ceremony should be very interesting. Angela is planning to use her pov to take Tyler down from the block and replace him with Bayleigh. Bay is the target for two reasons. First they know she has the power app that will allow her to change nominations, and second, they think she is the hacker. 


Haleigh is very fortunate that Bayleigh trusted Rachel last week and told her about the power app because the hacker power backfired badly. Not only did it anger the hoh who is now seeking revenge, but trying to make it appear Scottie was the hacker has driven him away from Foutte and into the loving arms of Brett and Tyler. 


The actual hacker, Haleigh, and her alliance (which basically now consists of herself, Rockstar, and Fessy) are nervous. Tyler's operation "Scottie is my new best friend" has cast enough doubt that Bayleigh and Haleigh have thrown him under the bus, suggesting Angela use the veto to backdoor him. 


Haleigh made several critical errors with the hacker app. First she chose to remain anonymous with her own alliance allowing the suspicion to fall on Scottie. Scottie, who is tired of being a suspect in every blindside vote, had finally had enough and has become much closer to L6. When Haleigh learned that Scottie--who she was planning to choose to play veto--promised to use it on Tyler, she instead picked Kaycee. Then, as it turned out, Scottie was chosen by luck of the draw.


That meant, in one of the most physical comps of the season, the veto players were Angela, Kaycee, Brett, Tyler, Scottie and Rockstar. Any one of the first five winning was guaranteed safety for Tyler. Had Haleigh chosen Fessy, one of the best athletes in the house, he might have won. She was probably trying to avert suspicion away from herself by choosing Kaycee but  Fessy should have been the obvious choice.  


That said, I don't think L6 made the best choice either when Tyler let Angela have the veto. Yes, he ends up with both a trip to Hawaii and safety but it shows the closeness of Angela and Ty's relationship which is what they've been avoiding all season. Plus, Brett was none too happy that Ty took his trip! But, just like when Sam convinced Ty to jump from the tree so she could be hoh, Angela talked him into giving her the veto. It makes no sense to me. 


I'd say Haleigh is lucky they don't know she's the hacker but I don't think it would matter anyway. The main objective is to get rid of Bayleigh's power app and pinning the hacking on her, mistakenly or not, gives them an even better reason to put her on the block. I have to say I don't envy Angela today, but I guess you have to be ruthless when you're playing for half a million!






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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

[ Edited ]

Jokers reporting that Bayleigh is now on the block, and she's fussing at Kaycee and couple of others.  Kaycee crying while Bayleigh is packing some of her clothes.  She says she knows she is going home Thurs.  She's asking a couple of people why???

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

If I remember right.... the evicted houseguest will go to the jury house.... a week alone might do wonders for Bay.... do you think she can take it?  LOL

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

I think she might love a week alone after being in the BB house. I know I would!  Other than pouting and being sad, she's taking it pretty well. 


I did see her go up to Angela's room and knock on the door. No one answered and eventually (maybe a minute) Angela said "I don't want to talk."


She spent a few minutes folding and organizing her clothes, then she cried a little with Kaycee, and then with her alliance. Now they're just laying in bed looking sad.


Apparently Angela said they had to get rid of the power app and that she knows Bay is the hacker. Bay was telling Haleigh "It's hysterical because I didn't even answer one question right. Scottie got three right so how could it not be him?"

Haleigh just listened and agreed. Imagine if Haleigh said "Oh it wasn't Scottie. How do I know? Because it's me!" 


As annoying as it is to see Haleigh not admit to it (and truthfully, she should never admit it now), I don't feel like it's her fault Bayleigh's on the block. I think Angela would have put her up to get rid of the power app. anyway.


On a personal note, I seem to have acquired a stray cat that comes to seek shelter under one of my vehicles. It's been so hot that I've taken to giving him/her water every day but my daughter told me I should put out food for it. I didn't want a cat,  but I don't want to it go hungry either so I'm off to the market for supplies. Hope everyone is having a great start to a new week! 



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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

@SusieQ_2 wrote:

I think she might love a week alone after being in the BB house. I know I would!  Other than pouting and being sad, she's taking it pretty well. 


I did see her go up to Angela's room and knock on the door. No one answered and eventually (maybe a minute) Angela said "I don't want to talk."


She spent a few minutes folding and organizing her clothes, then she cried a little with Kaycee, and then with her alliance. Now they're just laying in bed looking sad.


Apparently Angela said they had to get rid of the power app and that she knows Bay is the hacker. Bay was telling Haleigh "It's hysterical because I didn't even answer one question right. Scottie got three right so how could it not be him?"

Haleigh just listened and agreed. Imagine if Haleigh said "Oh it wasn't Scottie. How do I know? Because it's me!" 


As annoying as it is to see Haleigh not admit to it (and truthfully, she should never admit it now), I don't feel like it's her fault Bayleigh's on the block. I think Angela would have put her up to get rid of the power app. anyway.


On a personal note, I seem to have acquired a stray cat that comes to seek shelter under one of my vehicles. It's been so hot that I've taken to giving him/her water every day but my daughter told me I should put out food for it. I didn't want a cat,  but I don't want to it go hungry either so I'm off to the market for supplies. Hope everyone is having a great start to a new week! 



@SusieQ_2, as always, thanks so much for the updates.

You feed that cat and you will have a cat.  One winter we had horrible storms back to back and two stray cats came up on our porch.  Of course we fed and watered them.  And we ended up with two cats.  Well, our neighbor took one and we took one.  He was fast.  I would come home from work and find him sleeping on DD's bed.  Keep in mind, we didn't let him in the house...we'd open the door to leave and without our noticing he'd zoom by.  We had to keep very close attention.  Great cat.  kids would put him in the doll stroller and take him for walks and he was as happy as could be.  Clearly he was happy to finally have a home.  Never wanted a thing to do with cats before him but since then have always had cats.

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Re: Big Brother 20: Week 6: Spoilers and Updates!

[ Edited ]

This is not a cat story, but a stray dog story!  A young, Lab-mix puppy came to our porch on Thanksgiving, 1984!  And guess how long she stayed??  Seventeen years!!!  She lived to be 17!!  What a wonderful, glorious pet she was!  A neighbor told me of seeing the car that put her out in front of my house, and that she got most of the car's tag #.....but I didn't want to punish the owner, I wanted to thank them for giving me one of the greatest pets of my life!  

Kudos to all pet owners who weren't really wanting/needing a pet, but bit the bullet and accepted them and raised them anyway!


Back to our program - Bayleigh just said she had been a good, graceful player who was not mean, yet just an hour ago, Jokers reported that she said she was so ready to get away from all the crazy ****** white people in the house!!  How soon they forget, huh ?