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Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/21/2014!!!

And Zach's last day (in all likelihood) as a BB 16 house guest is ending today. He sounds pretty happy to be leaving at this point and who can blame him. He's getting bashed, Donny's getting bashed, and the hate flowing in that place is at an all time high. Derrick can't believe that Donny turned on him and Frankie after they've done such a great job of pretending to protect him. Sad to say, Donny is a whole lot smarter than those two idiots.

There's no chance of Cody going tonight as they'd need Christine's vote to evict him and she'll never vote out Cody. She made him a tinfoil heart and then kissed him on the back and cheek for forgiving her for not helping him pack. (Man, is she in for a rude awakening when she gets out of there. I'm hoping she likes a solitary life, for that's what's likely waiting for her in the real world.)

Tonight's show should be pretty fast paced. They have to flush Zach then turn around and have the four way fight to rejoin the house, then the new HOH comp. They could combine the four way fight and the HOH comp like they did last year, but I'm thinking they'll be separate comps this time around. With the BOTB gone they'll need a comp to air on Sunday's show so we'll either get the Have Nots/food comp back on Friday, or they'll have an endurance comp tonight of some sort that they can conclude on Sunday. They won't have to waste any time on the "Will Zach stay or go?" nonsense as there's been nearly no talk of saving Zach. They could end the show with a new HOH and then have the four jurors start an endurance comp to see who gets to rejoin the house and give them a week of immunity, but I doubt they'd do that unless Frankie was the returning house guest. By the way, Zach has made up a bouquet of fake flowers for Julie and has more flowers he's planning to toss to the audience as he goes out.

We're spiraling out of control now and there's slim hope of changing things, but if whoever wins HOH tonight (and it'll pretty much have to be Donny or the returnee) nominates Derrick and Frankie for eviction, then things could improve dramatically. Flushing Derrick would change the whole house dynamic as pretty much everyone is tied to Derrick in some way. Flush him out and everyone else is adrift. Pray for a Donny win at HOH tonight. If he doesn't win, he's likely heading home next week even over the returnee as they've built up a massive case of Donny hate. I think they'd choose to live with Zach, Hayden, Nicole, or (God forbid) Jocasta for a week to flush out Donny this week. These last few weeks of the show are likely to be torture this year. Oh well, "Utopia" starts soon and shows some potential.

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/21/2014!!!

So glad the houseguests will have to listen to the HUGE applause for Zach. It's going to mess with their heads bigtime.

There should be a two-cop rule on Survivor and Big Brother. Or one cop and one psychologist (that could be very interesting). People, especially people who are recruited and don't know the game inside out, don't stand a chance against cop techniques.

IMO Donny has a better chance of being struck by lightning than winning Fan Favorite. But boy would I love to be wrong. Maybe some of Frankie's Youtube audience was turned off by his teeny weenie, LOL. (Shrinkage, I know. But not THAT much!)

I can hear Frankie now when he glances at his Jokers ratings and watches: "Haters gonna hate. They're just jealous." And he's a gifted person, and smart and funny. But he was born without an "off" switch.

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/21/2014!!!

Teeny weenie,LolLol!! Everything about pinky seems teeny except for his ego.During the veto and Zingbot part I counted OVER 40 camera shots of him.... specific camera shots. Yep,I was that much not interested. The Zings were great this year but with all that material,they should have been. I hope Derrick goes. Donny should come back in an all stars show because clearly he can win comps and viewers like him. GO Donny!!!
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/21/2014!!!

I think BotB is over. I read on Hamsterwatch (?) that the dark house was the last. I hope so anyway.

In addition to Donny winning HoH, I hope that the returning player gets Immunity for 1 week.

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/21/2014!!!

It was really bugging me last night to read Derrick's (and the others') comments about Donny. Derrick is so threatened by Donny, and can't handle the fact that he isn't the smartest person in the House. His guilty conscience was apparent when he said he hopes the show doesn't make it appear they are all turning against Donny, and how it's really the other way around with Donny turning on them. Yeah right, Derrick. In yesterday's thread, I mentioned Victoria was the only one who wasn't joining in on the Donny bashing, but I later read how she said no one wants Donny at the finale party, and how he's a "weirdo." I hope Victoria's prepared to find out what everyone really thinks about her in the House.

Christine talked about more people she "hates" -- Jocasta. For someone who talks about her church a lot, she sure does "hate" a lot of people.

I think I'm rooting for Hayden to come back. I'll miss Zach, but I don't think he has a chance to change things in the House, and I'm not sure he even wants to. I'd love to see Nicole back, and I think she has a decent chance at comps, but again not sure she could change anything. Jocasta is nice, but no chance in the House. I think Hayden has the best chance. I think the guys might be more receptive to him by some of the comments they've made here and there after he left.

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/21/2014!!!

Hey, game-on -- Hope you're still around, and hope to see you "check in" when you feel like it. :-)

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/21/2014!!!

I agree totally, I like celery! I want to see Hayden come back. I think he would fit in so much better. They hate Nicole so much and she is easier to manipulate than Hayden. Anyway, what I find so upsetting about Derrick is......not only does he lie to everyone in the house, he lies in the DR to people at home. It's like he is playing us along with the house. I thought the DR is the place you tell the truth about your gameplay not connive. Maybe I'm wrong..
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/21/2014!!!

Does anyone know what the schedule looks like for BB on Thurs Sept 11th or 18th - CBS is supposed to start showing Thursday night football then??

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/21/2014!!!

On 8/21/2014 debfau said:

Does anyone know what the schedule looks like for BB on Thurs Sept 11th or 18th - CBS is supposed to start showing Thursday night football then??

Here is the official CBS schedule for Big Brother in September.

  • Thursday 9/4 9-10PM (last Thursday airing)
  • Tuesday 9/9 8-9PM
  • Wednesday 9/10 8-9PM (Eviction on a special night)
  • Sunday 9/14 8-9PM (last Sunday airing)
  • Tuesday 9/16 8-9PM
  • Wednesday 9/17 8-9PM
  • Friday 9/19 8-9PM
  • The Finale is set for Wednesday 9/24/14 9:30-11PM (right after the premiere of Survivor 8-9:30PM)

Thursday night football will be forcing the schedule changes.

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/21/2014!!!

On 8/21/2014 sassy68 said: I agree totally, I like celery! I want to see Hayden come back. I think he would fit in so much better. They hate Nicole so much and she is easier to manipulate than Hayden. Anyway, what I find so upsetting about Derrick is......not only does he lie to everyone in the house, he lies in the DR to people at home. It's like he is playing us along with the house. I thought the DR is the place you tell the truth about your gameplay not connive. Maybe I'm wrong..

Yes! Great point.

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