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Big Brother 15 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 7/17/2013!!!

And as expected, Jeremy made the rounds last night trying to rustle up votes to have people agree to consider keeping him, but no one will. Jeremy's a goner! He knows it and knew it before the campaign, but BB likes to have footage to keep viewers in suspense over how the votes will go, so they toss the poor nominee out there to make them campaign when there's no hope. Jeremy will get a vote from Kaitlin and possibly GinaMarie, but that's about it.

The house is just idling along right now waiting for Jeremy's eviction and to see who the new HOH is. Aaryn is still convinced her side of the house can regain power if they win HOH and own the house, but Kaitlin knows better. She's done the math and knows the majority of the house wants them gone. Kaitlin has been promised safety for a while and she's moving more and more towards the Helen side of the house in an effort to prolong her game. If Kaitlin were to win HOH this week I wouldn't be shocked to see her nominate Aaryn for eviction. Kaitlin knows that as long as they don't control MVP they have little real say in who goes, so putting up Aaryn would make her conversion to that side of the house more believable and could buy her more time in the house. She might leave Aaryn to the MVP, but Kaitlin's figured out that her old side of the house can't win and she's trying to find a nice safe spot on the other side.

We have a show tonight. On tonight's show we'll see the aftermath of the nominations. We'll see the MVP (Elissa) get her award. We may see McCrae agree to pretend to be MVP to take the heat off of Elissa. Maybe not though, as it can be a tad confusing to viewers and would expose diary room interference when Howard doesn't go up. McCrae volunteered to openly pretend to be the MVP so Elissa would put up Howard and McCrae would get the blame, but then the diary room, still mindful that they just made Howard the hero for saving Candice from the raging racists, encouraged Elissa to put up Spencer instead. She complied which made the whole McCrae will take the heat angle unimportant. (About half the house now believes that McCrae has been MVP the last two weeks and he hasn't been it once.) Of course if they don't show McCrae rpetending to be MVP and other houseguests talk about McCrae as MVP it'll be even more confusing to the TV viewers. "I thought Elissa was MVP? Why would they say McCrae was MVP?"

Once we learn who the MVP is then we'll see the MVP nominee and they'll pick the players for POV. We're likely to see the houseguests breathe a huge sigh of relief when Jeremy doesn't get picked to play. Then we'll see the POV comp and watch Kaitlin win. Then we'll see the house nervous about whether Kaitlin will or won't use the POV. Then finally Kaitlin will use the POV to save herself and Jeremy will go up. It should be a good show.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!