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Re: Bergdorf Goodman store

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The only time I was in BG was bridal dress shopping with a girlfriend back in the mid '70s.  The highlight was Cher was also shopping there with her mom.  Otherwise, never felt comfortable in a store that neither carried anything that appealed to me and was way beyond my comfort level price wise.


And despite the fact I lived in NYC for the first 50 years of my life, never set foot in Barneys which now has long been out of business.




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Back in the 80's, early 90's, I worked across the street from Bergdorf's. So I shopped there often. They had great sales on clothing and I bought my first pair of designer shoes there. I purchased a camel hair coat there that I wore for ten years. Their clothing was timeless and I had a saleswoman that used to pull clothing in my size when it went on sale and she called me.

Thanks for the recommendation @qualitygal. I do have Amazon Prime, so it will be a fun show to watch. Lots of wonderful memories.

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@qualitygal @Just watched it! Interesting!

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BG is connected with Neiman Marcus--they carry many similar products, and the NM credit card also works there.


BG is very elegant and fashionable--they have the BEST window displays--but yes, quite a bit on the pricey side.  


Whenever I am in NYC, I always stop by for a visit.  They also have an excellent website.


It is quite fun to peruse all the lovely items for sale, even if one cannot afford them!



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@Bookplate   I always remember that Joan Rivers LOVED Barney's!  A lot of her clothes came from that store.

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@pdlinda wrote:

@Bookplate   I always remember that Joan Rivers LOVED Barney's!  A lot of her clothes came from that store.

Yes, now that you mention it, I recall she mentioned them frequently, and of course she was one classy dresser.

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I went to NYC on a class field trip in the 8th grade and haven't got around to going again.  I saw the movie "Someone To Watch Over Me" and there was a scene in a beautiful department store.  I made a note to go there if ever I get back to NYC.

I looked up the movie locations and it was Bergdorf Goodman.

Trade Center Memorial, Katz' Deli and Bergdorfs....the bucket list grows.

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I live in NJ but went to a dance studio across from Bergdorfs & worked in NYC. It was a unique experience & I loved their candy section. I found their styles elegant but more classic, even dated. Sales people, generally, were a bit uppity and older. But, some were nice.

I loved Henri Bendel and actually cried when they closed.

Both stores had beautiful holiday windows. Gone are the days of luxury department stores. Saks closed in my area but I still shop Saks NYC.
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Re: Bergdorf Goodman store

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My mom used to drag me to the 4 B's -- Bergdorf Goodman, B. Altman, Barney's and Bloomingdales.  I remember being so bored and begging her to take me to Macy's toy department.  She always promised if I behaved that would be my reward, along with ice cream from Macy's basement restaurant.

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Registered: ‎08-16-2010

B Altmans was always a favorite store  for me....back in my teens we would do the roundsof Lord and Taylor, Macy's  Gimbels, Ohrbachs, and B Altmans all  within  a few blocks of each other.  Sadly all except Macy's are gone.