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Before the 90 day finance finale tomorrow (Monday)

Just saw tomorrow (Monday) the finale is 2 hours they reunite the couples so if you watch this show just wanted you to know.  

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Re: Before the 90 day finance finale tomorrow (Monday)

I have become addicted to this show.    Can't wait until tomorrow night even if it means missing Dancing With the Stars.   Not sure how these couples are going to go.  

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Re: Before the 90 day finance finale tomorrow (Monday)

I thought it was interesting, few couples were sitting together. Several were chatting via phone.


OH MY, looks like Patrick's Mom let Myriam know what she thought of her.

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Re: Before the 90 day finance finale tomorrow (Monday)

I saw that.  Not sure if I'll be able to watch.  I'm hoping a repeat will be on next Sunday before the regular show.

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Re: Before the 90 day finance finale tomorrow (Monday)

I'm hooked too ...  the blonde with the little daughter May is just plucking my nerves !!  I want to take that child away from her ...  the others I can deal with, but she and the Moroccan guy ...  how many ways can you say you need to lose weight and he's not that into her !!  

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Re: Before the 90 day finance finale tomorrow (Monday)

@GCR18 wrote:

I saw that.  Not sure if I'll be able to watch.  I'm hoping a repeat will be on next Sunday before the regular show.

Looks like the show will be repeated Friday at 10:00AM

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Re: Before the 90 day finance finale tomorrow (Monday)

I'll be watching!!

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Re: Before the 90 day finance finale tomorrow (Monday)

Seeing the preview Darcey looks a lot better with blonde hair!

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Re: Before the 90 day finance finale tomorrow (Monday)

I'm also addicted to that show !  I don't think most of the couples will last.  The girl from Haiti is in love with her friend Chris but from the previews of tomorrows show it appears their is more to that relationship. The Morracan guy is not going to stay with what's her name, she is to heavy and doesn't like exercise or healthy eating. The 24 yr old guy from Amsterdam is not going to marry that 42 yr old mom of 2 girls. The Brazilian girl and her guy may be ok but I don't think the guy with the girl from the Phillipines will last. Just my opinion.   I will be watching tomorrow night

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Re: Before the 90 day finance finale tomorrow (Monday)

I agree!  She looks absolutely beautiful in the preview.