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Re: Bachelorette 7/23/18 Spoiler


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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Bachelorette 7/23/18 Spoiler

And he's better looking than Joe the Plumber.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Bachelorette 7/23/18 Spoiler

When "Joe the Grocer" smiles, he reminds me a little of Adrian Grenier (less handsome, but reminds me of him. He's cute, though). 


LOL @VaBelle35 Smiley LOL 

♥ Life is beauty full ♥
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Re: Bachelorette 7/23/18 Spoiler

Did she really think he was going to take it well?


She was reassuring him up until the end.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Bachelorette 7/23/18 Spoiler

My husband always says when we watch - 'its such a cruel show'.....and it is - at least they make it look that way!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2013

Re: Bachelorette 7/23/18 Spoiler

I feel so bad for Blake. He will probably be the next bachelor.


Of course, I don’t know either guy but there has to be a loser. It’s still sad 😞 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Bachelorette 7/23/18 Spoiler

Somehow I think Blake is the winner. He would need really good medical insurance to care for his back with her jumping on him like a monkey all the time. She needs to forget getting married and get to a hospital for her breathing issues. I really thought she was more mature than the show has portrayed her.


I am not sure how many men can handle someone that is that needy. The males I know would not be comfortable with her being so intimate with so many.



Hopefully she will get the medical attention she needs and find happiness.



