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Anyone watch Temptation Island?

It sure runs a lot of commercials.

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Re: Anyone watch Temptation Island?

@traveler The previews look like nothing but soft porn and the whole idea is revolting to me personally.

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Re: Anyone watch Temptation Island?

I was watching it for the first time last night. Either they were running a marathon of shows or it's many hours long. It's a stupid show IMO. Some of those women are quite aggressive letting the guys know how interested they are in them. I felt bad for that guy John. His girlfriend is not a nice person. I dozed off about midway throught hour number 3. But the show is not nearly as bad as a similar one called Ex's on the Beach or something like that. What surprised me was the host. I've only ever seen him before on CPTV on Antiques Roadshow. Because of him hosting that one I would have thought he'd be above doing Temptation Island..which probably makes no sense. It is after all a paycheck.

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Re: Anyone watch Temptation Island?

I was curious about this show and began to watch.  It is pretty trashy I will say that, but now I have to finish watching to see who ends up with who!  LOL!


I can't imagine anyone with any sense doing this show.  I mean I guess if all you are looking for is a "vacation" at a beautiful location and getting to stay in a gorgeous house, and you are not concerned about what your so-called partner is doing, then, whatever. 


Do any of them think this is really going to help their relationships?  This is hogwash.  


I guess none of them had the sense to think --- well, there are problems in this relationship, perhaps counseling would help.  Or --- this relationship is not working --- so---  we need to end it --- period. 


But then again, if they did this, there would be no show, they would not get to be on t.v., and mess around with other people, and do it in a beautiful location, right??? 



"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Anyone watch Temptation Island?

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

I was curious about this show and began to watch.  It is pretty trashy I will say that, but now I have to finish watching to see who ends up with who!  LOL!


I can't imagine anyone with any sense doing this show.  I mean I guess if all you are looking for is a "vacation" at a beautiful location and getting to stay in a gorgeous house, and you are not concerned about what your so-called partner is doing, then, whatever. 


Do any of them think this is really going to help their relationships?  This is hogwash.  


I guess none of them had the sense to think --- well, there are problems in this relationship, perhaps counseling would help.  Or --- this relationship is not working --- so---  we need to end it --- period. 


But then again, if they did this, there would be no show, they would not get to be on t.v., and mess around with other people, and do it in a beautiful location, right??? 






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Re: Anyone watch Temptation Island?

[ Edited ]

I remember years ago watching a show called Temptation Island, but this has to be at least 12 or 13 years ago......It was crazy then too.....I am not watching this one...Chris Harrison was the host of the original one that I watched......

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Re: Anyone watch Temptation Island?

I’m not watching it but they do run a ton of commercials which makes me think it isn’t as popular as they wished.

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Re: Anyone watch Temptation Island?

I hate myself when I watch but I can't turn the channel if I happen on's kind of like gambling for me. I KNEW Evan would be the first one to go completely off the rails and I feel bad for his gal. But the clues were there from the first trailers. I won. If that couple lasts ....well, they're not going to....


Yes, John should dump his girl. He seems like a decent guy and I think the other two couples are up in the air right now.


I've yet to watch a full episode but when I start I keep watchng....I was wondering too why any of them would do it moderator, couples and the peanut gallery. Then it hit me....MONEY!! Plus some of them (maybe all) are probably actors looking for the big break. After all, Meghan Markle was once one of the suitcase gals on Deal or No Deal.....look where she ended up!


And I'm sure there's more money in Temptation Island than Antiques Roadshow. Thanks for starting this thread. I wanted to but I was



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Re: Anyone watch Temptation Island?

I have been sick so was flipping through channels and came across a marathon so of course have now watched all episodes. 

Evan it Morgan?  Does she honestly think he will be faithful to her?  Talk about a short attention span.  How long did it take him to hook up with her?  

Talk about fun, mindless entertainment to watch when not feeling well.  Obviously John needs to dump Kady.  I would really like him be able to get it in there before she dumps him.  

Anyone still with the show?