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Re: Anyone watch Law and Order SVU last night?

@PhilaLady. I agree!
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Re: Anyone watch Law and Order SVU last night?

I love SVU but didnt enjoy the eposide, way too much violence for me, much prefer Liv looking a bit more glammed up.  Liked the ending, Liv being very cautious. 

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Re: Anyone watch Law and Order SVU last night?

[ Edited ]

@Shelbelle Gotta say the last couple of espisodes I prefer seeing Olivia actually looking like an over worked, harassed, working her rear end off, police captain. I got tired of her always perfect hair even in the most dire situations.


To me personally she looks more real now. I'm sure that will change.

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Re: Anyone watch Law and Order SVU last night?

I haven't watched in a while but I went to see if the spoiler was what I assumed and I'm not shocked. And I never liked the idea of them. Can people just work together please?


What got me in the article I read was she has a bunch of wounds or something? This is one of the reasons I stopped watching. At this point she's just the martyr of the police department. It's just beyond realistic that she is constantly in these positions. And isn't she a lieutenant now? She should be overseeing an entire mess of people not running around on one case. I'll skip the part where she conveniently gets promotions AND manages to stay in the same department. 

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Re: Anyone watch Law and Order SVU last night?

@Love my grandkids wrote:

@Shelbelle Gotta say the last couple of espisodes I prefer seeing Olivia actually looking like an over worked, harassed, working her rear end off, police captain. I got tired of her always perfect hair even in the most dire situations.


To me personally she looks more real now. I'm sure that will change.

I dont ever think she looks overly glammed up, just very presentable and together, love her. 

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Re: Anyone watch Law and Order SVU last night?


I have been watching these episodes and, TBH, I am so confused.  I don't know what happened and who was killed, if someone can explain to me what happened in that episode, I would appreciate it. Too many characters I don't know very well, the Bronx cops and the gang members, got them all mixed up.  Agree with @PhilaLady1 what she wrote in the spoiler.  Don't care for the male character.


I do undersand what happened with Velasco.

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Re: Anyone watch Law and Order SVU last night?

@NYCLatinaMe wrote:


I have been watching these episodes and, TBH, I am so confused.  I don't know what happened and who was killed, if someone can explain to me what happened in that episode, I would appreciate it. Too many characters I don't know very well, the Bronx cops and the gang members, got them all mixed up.  Agree with @PhilaLady1 what she wrote in the spoiler.  Don't care for the male character.


I do undersand what happened with Velasco.



Hi.  I was a little bit confused too, for the same reason you were. 



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Re: Anyone watch Law and Order SVU last night?

I must have missed something, what happened with Velasco, I really like him. Is he off the show now?

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Re: Anyone watch Law and Order SVU last night?

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Re: Anyone watch Law and Order SVU last night?


Thanks to Shelbelle's post, I figured out what I was confused about.  I will post in a spoiler, in case it helps any one else who was as confused as me.



My biggest problem was that I conflated these 2 characters, Bronx Detective Terry Bruno and Bronx Captain Mike Duarte.  Not watching that closely, forgot they were 2 different characters.  Ooops...  So when Duarte was killed and I saw Bruno, very confusing.  Bruno is apparently going to become a regular.

I also did not understand why all of a sudden Oscar Papa decided to plead guilty.  I missed they had new recordings of him ordering the hit on Duarte.  So that explains that.

I am all caught up.

I don't think Noah is safe for a second.