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Re: Anyone know if this rumor is true?

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Maybe i's Abby. Depression over the loss of her baby.  I think they could whip up a new storyline if she's gone.  BTW I don't care for the new character of her step son Max. Just not the way I like to see young people portrayed. 


And who on earth chose the color of the Chancellor home?  How depressing!

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Re: Anyone know if this rumor is true?

I think the psycho angel of death nurse is suppose to kill Sage to make sure she don't talk.

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Re: Anyone know if this rumor is true?


@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@SharkE wrote:

That 'Sage' of Y&R fame will be dead in 2 weeks ? Her funeral will be the first week of May?


(character Sage Nick's wife)



Boy, I hope not !!!


If Y&R needs to lay off to reduce payroll costs, I can think of a few others that could get pink slips ..... Hillary .... Luca ......  Summer ......   Mariah ......   need I go on?

Would you add Billy Boy to that list - just don't like this Billy either!

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Re: Anyone know if this rumor is true?

only thing I know for sure is Marisa got canned and Noah was put on recurring status only. Maybe they wanted to save more money and decided it was time for Sage to take a hike.


About time the show started picking up steam again !

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Re: Anyone know if this rumor is true?

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Re: Anyone know if this rumor is true?

Guess my sister wasn't blowing it out her.... LOL

God, I hate that, though ! I've been hanging on just to see Sage's face knowing her baby isn't really dead , then, if she dies before they can reunite..............


Ye Gads !!!!!!!  I'll end up in Fairview myself................


******* those writers, anyway !e8099.gif

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Re: Anyone know if this rumor is true?

Darn !!!   I actually like Sage with Nick .....  and think other characters should go before she does.


I wonder if Adam being the father will be discovered ... hmm.

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Re: Anyone know if this rumor is true?

I hope not.  I sort of like Sage.  There are so many other characters they could get rid of instead! 

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Re: Anyone know if this rumor is true?

Poor Dylan, he got cuckold again (sp)? LOL 

Man, best pick out a dog and scream to the town

"This dog is really mine I paid for him" !

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Re: Anyone know if this rumor is true?

Oh!  Good!  Somewhere on Y&R are all of these children no one sees.  Pretty soon Sully/Christian will go off to that never never land where we never see these children again.


Until then, he is building a hefty some for his college fund!