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Anyone going to watch "Battle Creek"?

I see that a new show starring Josh Duhamel and Dean Winters called "Battle Creek" is starting this Sunday...I'm not big on cop shows but they say this is a different take. The two are paired together as partners and hate each other. Supposedly Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad) wrote the script like 10 years ago and because of the popularity of that show they are making a show out of the old script...I guess I'll watch. I'm a huge fan of Dean Winters since "OZ" (even though I'm not crazy about his buzz cut haircut in this show! LOL) It looks like it's a drama/comedy type show. They are supposed to be on "The Talk" Friday and I've seen them on other shows on line promoting the show. They seem to have a good chemistry so I guess we'll see.

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Re: Anyone going to watch ""Battle Creek""?

I plan to record it and give it a try.

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Re: Anyone going to watch ""Battle Creek""?

Thanks for the reminder. I might DVR it or look in on it. I'm like the OP, not much for cop/comedy shows.

It sounds like they're trying to be like some of the other shows of the same genre have an audience.

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Re: Anyone going to watch ""Battle Creek""?

Unless about aliens or fairy tales I give every new show a shot.

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Re: Anyone going to watch ""Battle Creek""?

Me too, can,t take the Aliens or Vampires shows.
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Re: Anyone going to watch ""Battle Creek""?

Mystery solved! I saw this show on my Tivo 'to do' list yesterday and absolutely had no idea why I set it up to record, as it didn't sound familiar. Now I know - it has Dean Winters in it!

I, too, have been a fan since Oz. Ugh, I'd have to agree about the buzz-cut thing. So many odd haircuts are popular these days.

Now I'll look forward to it. Smiley Happy If only I could fix this faulty memory. One good thing - I have a lot of surprises. hehe

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Re: Anyone going to watch ""Battle Creek""?

Dean Winters was also on Rescue Me and Law and Order SVU. And did a very old SATC episode. I assume this show will air after Good Wife, so it will conflict with Revenge.

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Re: Anyone going to watch ""Battle Creek""?

On 2/24/2015 Shelbelle said:

Dean Winters was also on Rescue Me and Law and Order SVU. And did a very old SATC episode. I assume this show will air after Good Wife, so it will conflict with Revenge.

Oh yeah! I'd forgotten about his SATC episode. Seems like forever ago. Smiley Happy

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Re: Anyone going to watch ""Battle Creek""?

Absolutely--can't wait.

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Re: Anyone going to watch ""Battle Creek""?

I'm totally interested since it kind of reminds me of a show I loved (that everyone else didn't like or love apparently) that was similar in nature to this show. It was "The Good Guys", which seems similar to this new show.