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Another Show On JonBenet Ramsey Tonight

On 20/20 ABC at 9pm ET.

What is there left to say?

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Re: Another Show On JonBenet Ramsey Tonight

Probably, another theory

I will be watching something else. It repeats in my area Sat. night,  so if there's nothing better on I will see if there's anything new to report.

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Re: Another Show On JonBenet Ramsey Tonight

@Pearlee wrote:

On 20/20 ABC at 9pm ET.

What is there left to say?

@Pearlee  Who knows & who cares?

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Re: Another Show On JonBenet Ramsey Tonight

I avoid those at all costs. It's been done to death. 

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Re: Another Show On JonBenet Ramsey Tonight

@NicksmomESQ wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

On 20/20 ABC at 9pm ET.

What is there left to say?

@Pearlee  Who knows & who cares?

@NicksmomESQ  Well that's rude of you. Why did you even open this thread then? Just to leave a rude answer?

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Re: Another Show On JonBenet Ramsey Tonight

TV "click bait" ? I don't think it will ever be solved or resolved unless the guilty person (s) come forward and tell all how and why. RIP poor innocent little girl. 

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Re: Another Show On JonBenet Ramsey Tonight

@Pearlee   Never meant it in a rude way.You asked a question about a case that's been reported to death & I gave an opinion.It wasn't aimed at you but at the show.

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Re: Another Show On JonBenet Ramsey Tonight

I've watched more specials on the murder of this poor child, I'm not willing to invest anymore of my time in them. When they make an arrest and solve this case let me know.

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Re: Another Show On JonBenet Ramsey Tonight


Imo, it's quite obvious who killed her.

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Re: Another Show On JonBenet Ramsey Tonight

@Daisy Sunflower wrote:


Imo, it's quite obvious who killed her.


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