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American Auto - new NBC comedy

Tried to watch the first episode on Peacock.  Key word is tried.  NO!  NO!  NO!  It was terrible and I shut it down after the guy with the British accent opened the car door in the parking lot.  NO!  NO!  NO!

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Re: American Auto - new NBC comedy

I agree.  I found the characters unlikeable and the premise unbelievable.

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Re: American Auto - new NBC comedy

ditto to previous posts

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Re: American Auto - new NBC comedy

I found it to be just as silly as the Ted Danson show He's the Mayor. 

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Re: American Auto - new NBC comedy

[ Edited ]

Gee, where have all the GOOD TV writers gone---Broadcast TV shows are getting WORSE and WORSE.....SMH!  And Im getting tired of all the talent shows too....dont much watch CBS, NBC, or ABC anymore except for football....

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Re: American Auto - new NBC comedy

I have seen bad shows but this is by far one of the very worst.  Whoever approved it to be aired needs to find a new job.  As @Spurt said, where are the great writers and what happened to creativity.