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Re: All things DAYS--AUGUST 2020--(possible spoilers)

I am finding the Ben/Eve strory line very painful to watch, and I mean that literally

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Re: All things DAYS--AUGUST 2020--(possible spoilers)

@Shelbelle wrote:

I am finding the Ben/Eve strory line very painful to watch, and I mean that literally

@luvmybeetle @Shelbelle 


Me too!  I ff'd through all those scenes today.  


Did anyone else notice the restaurant in NY looks suspiciously like Julie's?  It's like they don't even care.  


Oh would someone please ship Sami back to Europe??  I'm sick of her.

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Re: All things DAYS--AUGUST 2020--(possible spoilers)

Casting News

Seems like Gabi has left the show too, but rumor has it she may return when they film again. 

Also, Claire, as we know her has left a while ago, and very soon we will be seeing a new actress playing the role. 

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Re: All things DAYS--AUGUST 2020--(possible spoilers)

@MamaWick  I have been wondering what's going on with the clothes on Ciara and Claire.  They do look like hookers.  Including Ciara's wedding dress.  I'm so sorry some of the cast is leaving.  This show lately is becoming very unwatchable. 

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Re: All things DAYS--AUGUST 2020--(possible spoilers)

I think Claire was dressed like a hooker today, maybe she thinks that is the style in NYC. 

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Re: All things DAYS--AUGUST 2020--(possible spoilers)

I'm disqusted with this torture of Ben by Eve or her partner...and:IF" the writers think this is entertainment for a Day's story line...i disagree! 

Boo!Smiley Sad


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Re: All things DAYS--AUGUST 2020--(possible spoilers)

I'm fast forwarding the torture scenes.  I don't need to be tortured, too.  This is probably the worst storyline ever.

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Re: All things DAYS--AUGUST 2020--(possible spoilers)

 I think Alice would make those "hooker look" girls go to confession post haste. It's almost like someone else has taken over the story lines and the wardrobe. DAYS just wants to shock, as always. I think I just answered my own question.
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Re: All things DAYS--AUGUST 2020--(possible spoilers)

@MamaWick wrote:

I'm fast forwarding the torture scenes.  I don't need to be tortured, too.  This is probably the worst storyline ever.

I think this is worse than Marlena's Demonic Possession. 

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Re: All things DAYS--AUGUST 2020--(possible spoilers)

@Shelbelle wrote:

@MamaWick wrote:

I'm fast forwarding the torture scenes.  I don't need to be tortured, too.  This is probably the worst storyline ever.

I think this is worse than Marlena's Demonic Possession. 

I was thinking the same thing.Woman Sad