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All Things DAYS--JULY 2020 (possible spoilers)

Good morning, friends!!  June is coming to a close and we're halfway through the year!  Our show is the last one standing with new episodes.  My question this month is:  many years ago, DAYS would feature the younger actors in the summer months, probably to draw in those of us that were out of school for the summer.  In recent years, I have come to loathe the 'young actors' months.  But when I was in junior high, I LOVED Mike Horton, Jr (the original one--Wesley Eure, but I liked the blond guy too) and David Banning  (He was played by a blond actor) and their storyline.  I miss Mike Horton and wish they would bring him back (the blond one), as well as Carrie and Austin.


I hope you are all doing well!  For those keeping track--had a clean post surgical mammogram and see the surgeon and the oncologist in July.  Be safe and well!

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Re: All Things DAYS--JULY 2020 (possible spoilers)

I enjoyed many of the young actors too.  My favorites were Hope, Jennifer, Melissa, Frankie, Pete, Bo, Shawn, Belle, Phillip, Chloe, Trish, David, Mike.  That's who comes to mind but there were probably others.

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Re: All Things DAYS--JULY 2020 (possible spoilers)

There were several David Bannings too, my fave one was Gregg Marx who was David in the early 80's. He was with Val in the mid to late 70.s, that was the blonde one. Marx had dark brown hair. When he was David hewas in love with Renee who turned out to be  a long lost daughter to Stefano, her character was killed off. 

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Re: All Things DAYS--JULY 2020 (possible spoilers)

Did DAYS used to do a big 4th of July themed show?  Like picnics at the 'lake' etc?  I seem to remember them 'watching' fireworks too.

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Re: All Things DAYS--JULY 2020 (possible spoilers)

@DrKelli wrote:

Did DAYS used to do a big 4th of July themed show?  Like picnics at the 'lake' etc?  I seem to remember them 'watching' fireworks too.

Yes, there was always a big Salem BBQ on July 4, if I remember correctly one of the last ones featured a retiring Frances Reid, circa 2007. 

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Re: All Things DAYS--JULY 2020 (possible spoilers)

@DrKelli wrote:

Good morning, friends!!  June is coming to a close and we're halfway through the year!  Our show is the last one standing with new episodes.  My question this month is:  many years ago, DAYS would feature the younger actors in the summer months, probably to draw in those of us that were out of school for the summer.  In recent years, I have come to loathe the 'young actors' months.  But when I was in junior high, I LOVED Mike Horton, Jr (the original one--Wesley Eure, but I liked the blond guy too) and David Banning  (He was played by a blond actor) and their storyline.  I miss Mike Horton and wish they would bring him back (the blond one), as well as Carrie and Austin.


I hope you are all doing well!  For those keeping track--had a clean post surgical mammogram and see the surgeon and the oncologist in July.  Be safe and well!

I am having a hard time remembering this, so you guys will have to fill in the blanks. The daughter of one of the regulars-a former race car driver herself-and she is on the beach with this big blonde guy (I think he was a lifeguard) and I dreaded DAYS all summer because of these two. We all had a nickname for him. I think his name was Jeremy and we called him Jerk-e-my maybe? I guess I don't remember because I don't want to remember. Then they replaced the race car driver I think twice. The first one was soooo miscast.

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Re: All Things DAYS--JULY 2020 (possible spoilers)

[ Edited ]

That was Stephanie, daughter of Steve and Kayla.  Yes, played by a couple of different actresses...the first one with long red hair (Shayna Rose), the second with long dark hair (Shelley Hennig).

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

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Re: All Things DAYS--JULY 2020 (possible spoilers)

I loved the Sami, Lucas, Austin Triangle. I remember Sami and Lucas at a Military Ball. I enjoyed it when Belle (Kirsten Storms) and Shawn D (Jason Cook) were young and in love. Even my sons at that time would stop and watch! I knew then I was watching a cool show. 😂 I loved Phillip and Chloe (who remembers Ghoul Girl?) and MiMi. I remember a pervie guy that may or may not have been Nicole's father, I think his name was Paul and he would try to act cool and befriend the young girls and tried to corrupt them. he told them to call him Uncle Paul and at that point  I remember getting sick to my stomach over storylines like that and wishing the writers didn't go there thinking "let kids be kids and don't let adults interfere in that." because I was enjoying the innocence of the kids in Salem. After that crew of teens the next bunch didn't appeal to me, Abigail, Chad, Gabi, Will, Chelsea...another one that the writers corrupted.

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Re: All Things DAYS--JULY 2020 (possible spoilers)

A 4th themed episode I remember had JJ and Paige at a beach party and someone spiked his drink. Abe and a nurse went picnicking with a young Theo - I had hoped Abe and the nurse would become a couple but she was written off the show. Like Anne, the nurse brought humor to the show. Can't remember her name.... might have started with an M (Maxine, perhaps).

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Re: All Things DAYS--JULY 2020 (possible spoilers)

I felt Claire was going to tell the dress shop that Ciara wanted the first dress and when she went to pick it up, she'd be stuck with the one that looks like the wedding cake topper.


Edit to say:  Maybe Ciara will wear Hope's magnificent dress.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix