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Re: All Things DAYS--February 2024

Let's speculate a little bit about Everett Lynch/Bobby Stein.  Thoughts?? Amnesia or faking it??  I'm getting more and more turned off by him the more I watch.  I liked Blake Berris as Nick; this guy, not too much.  When they film him from behind, his hair is cut way too short in the back.  It's up behind his ears.  He looks fine from the front, but his neck looks so looong with his hair cut that high up.


I neeeeed to see the Jude story wrap up already.  Nic's back so let's get it going.  I thought for sure that Holly would wake up yesterday when Johnny was visiting her.  I love how all these patients -- Harris, Paulina, Holly -- all look so good after being in comas, post-surgery, etc.!!  Not a hair out of place, Paulina still has a full face of makeup on.  I did notice yesterday that Paulina's nails did not have polish.  Where have I seen Nurse Michelle before???  Was she on our silly little show or was she on another show?  I kinda think I remember her.  Too bad Maxine wasn't back.

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Re: All Things DAYS--February 2024

Looks like we will be getting ANOTHER heart transplant story. Sigh. Brady, Julie, and even Jennifer although it was her own heart placed back in Pauline. Sigh.
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Registered: ‎11-09-2011

Re: All Things DAYS--February 2024

@MamaWick wrote:
Looks like we will be getting ANOTHER heart transplant story. Sigh. Brady, Julie, and even Jennifer although it was her own heart placed back in Pauline. Sigh.

@MamaWick THAT'S HILARIOUS!!!!!!  And I'm sure the amazing Dr. Sweetness will perform the life-saving procedure.  She does everything so why not??!!!


Yesterday's show.  When Nicole left Holly's room, she turned off the light.  When they were awakened by Holly's voice on the monitor, Nicole didn't exactly spring outta bed as fast as I thought she could have.  Am I mistaken that when she entered Holly's room, the light was on?  I think it was.  Someone tell me if Nicole flicked it on while I blinked.  Then Nicole pulled the blanket up two inches on Holly's thighs so she wouldn't be cold.  Oy.  I remember, though, nodding off at some point, that's why I'm unsure about the light.


I sure hope they get on with the Sloane/Nicole/Trask/Jude storyline.  It's been so long, Jude should be riding a tricycle by now.