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A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

Julie Chen posted a photo of the DR and a bench in it that didn't look familiar, which kind of implies that they've redone the house for a new season of BB. It's way, way too early for them to be doing it for next summer's season. There were preseason reports that CBS had signed up for a winter season of Big Brother that wouldn't be a Celebrity BB. Another BBOTT? A special winter All-Star season? We don't know what's going on. It'll be interesting to see what's in the works, but it looks like something's up, and if they already have the house redone, it'll be starting soon.

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

Good news. Please keep us posted if you hear more.

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

I vote for an all star season!

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

I've been poking around the Internet and came upon this article from Hollywood Hiccups from back in May where it talks about a possible winter season. 


When CBS released their fall/winter 2019/2020 primetime programming lineup, they included Big Brother in the lineup. In the article, it says that Julie Chen had been lobbying for an all-star winter season even possibly mixing and matching players from other CBS reality series. So, if true we could see some of our favorite Survivor players, Amazing Race players and BB players all competing in a special winter version of BB. (Maybe even some Love Islanders?)


Julie tends not to just tweet out random stuff, so her tweeting out a DR photo meant something, we just don't know what. It could be something as random as she found an old photo on her phone and just tweeted it out (I don't remember that DR room look though), or it could be another hint that we're truly getting a winter version of BB. (Why wouldn't they have promoted it already though?)


Maybe this is why CBS dusted off Boston Rob and Sandra and plopped them back down on Survivor, but insisted they weren't there to play. Have them precast for the winter all-star version of BB, but use Survivor to remind us who they were? I don't know.


We should be hearing something soon. January (expected start date for a winter season) isn't far off now. Given that they haven't been casting for a winter season, it's not unreasonable to assume it would be an all-star season. Running the winter version for two months or so and then ending before the Candian version of BB starts in March makes some sense. 


I wonder if CBS All Access is considering airing the live feeds and shows from Canada this year? I believe they let Canadians subscribe to the feeds directly through CBS All Access this past year, so maybe there was a quid pro quo there? 


There are lots of questions and very few answers so far. Maybe it's nothing and the next BB we'll see is in late June, but it feels like something's up.

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

Be careful how you use the "quid pro quo" @gardenman ........get you into all sorts of trouble !

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?



Julie Chen still does the show?  I thought she was bumped from that when she left The Talk.

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

I heard rumors a few months ago we would get a winter BB I also heard it would not be celebrity BB because of the expense & getting the celebrities to come on. I really like BBOTT and hope they bring that back. Whatever they decide I know I will be watching. 

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

I would love another season of BBOTT!  


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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:



Julie Chen still does the show?  I thought she was bumped from that when she left The Talk.


She's still been doing BB.  She chose to leave The Talk, but continued on BB.  

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:



Julie Chen still does the show?  I thought she was bumped from that when she left The Talk.

Season 21, just concluded in September, was her last year under contract for BB, but CBS signed her up for at least season 22 also just before last season ended.

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