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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

@Keybra wrote:

Be careful how you use the "quid pro quo" @gardenman ........get you into all sorts of trouble !

Fortunately, there's no political intent in my quid pro quo. Canadians had always been forced to use VPN's and subscribe to All Access using fake addresses and Visa/Mastercard gift/debit cards to watch the live feeds of US BB. CBS let them bypass all of that this past season and just sign up. It would make sense for CBS to then let us watch Canadian BB live feeds on All Access here without having to use VPN's.

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

I agree would keep BB lovers subscribed to CBS All Access longer than we do now which is what they want.

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

Hmmm.....Julie's posted another shot of the DR, but in this one she's dressed up as Zach from BB 16 for Halloween and sitting on the DR bench. Is she hinting it will be an All-star season and Zach will be a player?

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

My gut says we're getting an all-star season of BB sometime this winter. Julie wouldn't have a Zach outfit (pink hat, Florida Gators shirt and a box of Fruit Loops) just sitting in her closet, so the costume/wardrobe/prop department at CBS had to be involved in her photoshoot to give her that look. (And reportedly she's doing, or has done more than just the Zach one.) The DR has a different backdrop than what we've seen in recent years, so it's been redone already.


I think this is CBS's way to tease it to the viewers and whet our appetites. I find it hard to believe they'd open up the studio, redo the DR, get the costume/wardrobe/prop department involved, just so Julie could shoot some Halloween photos/video for social media. In theory, she's not even supposed to be at work until sometime in June when they're ready to do the promos for BB 22, but she's obviously there now, or has recently been there. Why would she be there now unless they were planning something in the very near future? Why would the DR already be redone when the next season isn't supposed to start until June?


Then again, why wouldn't CBS be openly promoting it now instead of using these teasers? Maybe this is their idea of openly promoting it? Who knows? The fact that Julie is back in the studio doing BB related stuff eight months before we're supposed to see her again rather strongly implies that something's up and not too far in the future. There were no casting calls for a winter version which would strongly imply they were reusing old casts/all-stars. ED posted a photo of a packed BB bag shortly after Julie's first photo of the empty DR which may have been another clue. We'll have to see what's up, but everything right now seems to be pointing to an all-star season of BB sometime this fall/winter. (Likely winter at this point, but a late November start wouldn't be out of the question if it was done on All Access.)

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

Julie is now on day five (I believe) of her dress up routine. We're now past Halloween, so the argument that she was doing it for Halloween is false. If there are going to be twelve to sixteen houseguests, then she should finish in the next ten days or so. She's done Zach, Nicole, Paul, Boogie, and I think someone else. If she's doing one for every all-star then there will probably be a formal announcement from CBS around the time she stops.

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

Big gossip going around with BB is it all stars or bbott who knows, I really do know it will not be celebrity BB too much money for their demands. Watched a u tube some say Paul is comimng back  much gossip or is Julie just playing with us? Julie stop messing around what is going on? 

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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

I think it might be both All-Stars and BBOTT. Combine the two. Use the BBOTT format, but fill the house with all-stars. Would they come and play for less prize money though?

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: A hint about an upcoming season of Big Brother?

CBS more or less tried to end the suspense yesterday when they posted their winter prime-time schedule that had no Big Brother on it. Everyone assumed then that Julie was just playing with us. Then the CBS Big Brother twitter feed followed that up by posting a tweet about knowing a secret and not being able to tell anyone. So, we still know very little of what's really going on. We do know there won't be a winter version of Big Brother on CBS, but they're still teasing us for some reason, so maybe another BBOTT online on All Access? At least we've eliminated one-half of the possibilities. It appears it'll be BBOTT or nothing. I'm not sure about the logic of teasing the fans, but who knows why they're doing what they're doing.


They could still be doing an all-stars, or maybe they'll throw some people into the regular BB house preseason to play their way into the regular season? Open the house up a month early with say, ten players, one of whom will win their way into staying in the house with the regular cast to play the rest of the season. That could be brutal for that person though if they had to spend an extra month in the house. Kind of a mini-season of BB to earn the right to play the full season of BB. It would give production time to come up to speed before the real season started though. Hmmm....we still don't know what's really going on. CBS is being annoyingly vague and misleading.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!