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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

Yeah that Rapunzel with the South African dude looks to be another big mess. Her bringing her mom there with her and him saying he will eventually throw the mom out. You can see the writing on the wall with this one.


I totally get Kenny not wanting another kid. I don't know if they're just putting on an act for the show with having another or what. Armando's daughter is already what around nine? Before you know it she'll be grown and gone so there would not be that much interaction with a young sibling.

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

Okay--I watched about an hour before I had to be somewhere last night.  I don't know any of their names yet (except Kenny and Armando and I didn't see their segment, but srlsy, wth.  They both have children--why is a baby so important).  The little creep that stays on the phone 24/7--even when he is going to the bathroom?  Ick.  Also--what is he going to do for work once he gets to the Phillipines?  What does he do now?


As for Rapunzel--all that hair gave me a headache.  Of course, I am bald and have had no hair for quite awhile, so maybe I am jealous . . .  But she seems pretty free spirited and I don't think that's going to fly with the South African dude.  He seems a lot like Ronald (from Ronald and Tiffany). 


I think those were the only 2 that I saw--I'll try to watch the rest tonight.  But the 'clarivoyant' woman?  At first I thought it was Richi that she was with LOL!!!

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

Me thinks the Kenny Armando drama is fake. They've been married for years - this debate can't still be going on. TLC is trying ti keep them on the show and I'm sure they love the paycheck.


The on the phone 24 hours a day couple are toxic. His sad childhood may play into him being ok on a leash. 

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

Okay--I finished it.


The dude on the phone 24/7 is just creepy and Mary is going to be nothing but trouble if she breaks into tears every time he talks to another woman.  That kind of possessiveness is just over the top.  But it appears that he is also that way.


Whatshisname and Kirsten--He seems like a nice guy but I don't understand why she is having a breakdown over coming into the country.  Did immigration TAKE her passport or where they completing the screening process.


Armando's little girl--is it Hannah?--is so pretty and grown up!  And her English has gotten really good!  I don't care about their drama, but I think it would be mean to relocate Hannah if she is doing well in her own school.  In Mexico City, she would probably have to go to a private school to be safe.


The South African dude and Rapunzel--I don't see that one working out at all.  And a thought occured to me that if Statler from Before the 90 Days actually moves to England-she can appear on The Other Way too.

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

I thought I would share that I read Holly, the one with the guy in South Africa, has already been married twice. Her first marriage lasted 2 months and the second one lasted for 12 hours lol.


Did she already announce this on the show? If so I missed it. I hope she enjoys living in South Africa. It sound like a real nightmare. Crime is extremely high over there, especially against females. People put broken glass and big fences around their homes.

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

@colliemom4 wrote:

I thought I would share that I read Holly, the one with the guy in South Africa, has already been married twice. Her first marriage lasted 2 months and the second one lasted for 12 hours lol.


Did she already announce this on the show? If so I missed it. I hope she enjoys living in South Africa. It sound like a real nightmare. Crime is extremely high over there, especially against females. People put broken glass and big fences around their homes.

@colliemom4 , OMG about Holly.  What a piece of work she is.  So  now she's working on her 3rd lol.


The 23 year old guy with Mary (forget his name) is going to find out how she really is once he arrives.  She's manipulative, lies and will have a hissy fit each time she sees him talking to any other female.  There's something wrong with her.  


Again, so far, I don't see any of these working.

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

@HisElk1 wrote:

@colliemom4 wrote:

I thought I would share that I read Holly, the one with the guy in South Africa, has already been married twice. Her first marriage lasted 2 months and the second one lasted for 12 hours lol.


Did she already announce this on the show? If so I missed it. I hope she enjoys living in South Africa. It sound like a real nightmare. Crime is extremely high over there, especially against females. People put broken glass and big fences around their homes.

@colliemom4 , OMG about Holly.  What a piece of work she is.  So  now she's working on her 3rd lol.


The 23 year old guy with Mary (forget his name) is going to find out how she really is once he arrives.  She's manipulative, lies and will have a hissy fit each time she sees him talking to any other female.  There's something wrong with her.  


Again, so far, I don't see any of these working.

@HisElk1  Mary's love interest name is Brandan. I've never seen it spelled that way, only Brandon. Of course his name may just be how it's spelled. Mary is nothing but a bratty young woman. I can't stand the way she behaves. There's no way that can continue for very long and I don't hold out much hope for the other ones we've seen either. They certainly have some crazies on there don't they?!

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

@colliemom4 , thanks for his name.  Now I remember it because it's spelled differently than what I've seen before.  Mary is a brat and when he was at the dentist, even she mentioned how weird it was.


God help him if/when they go out for any function, say to lunch and the server is female - what's he supposed to do - not talk to her to order? 


You're correct - there are a bunch of crazies on.  There are times I ask myself why I keep watching; yet, I do.

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

Brandan kind of reminds me of Paul (from Kentucky)

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023


