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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

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@colliemom4  I can't stand looking at Mary either- she's either crying or giving an evil look to Brandon.  I think that they both need major psychiatric help and the worst thing Brandon could do is place Mary ona pedestal for saving him from suicide- how does phone sex and 24/7 video calling with nothing to say on either end save someone from that? He'll place importance on anyone because he'd rather find love than fix mental health/depressive episodes that made him have those ideations in the first place.  I agree- Mary wasn't even having a panic attack- she was forcing stupid any annoying gulps while breathing perfectly fine and then screaming "I can't breathe!" Such a drama queen terrible actress and not worth the hassle for any guy.  These two trauma bonded during the pandemic when anyone in their right mind should've been off the dating apps.  


   Yep, Jovi will never change atleast anytime soon- he'll have to hit rick bottom and realize drinking is the problem and voluntarily go to rehab.  Yarah should go on an IUD form of contraception- something that Jovi wouldn't be able to throw away or tamper with to make a kid.


    Angela is a loud mouth attention seeker- I think that she genuinely gets off on feeling aggression and overpowering people.  Michael just wants citizenship, but he certainly latched onto an absolute nightmare in attempts to get it.

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

I continue to ask myself why I take the time to watch this mess.  I can't think of one person on this show that I like.


As for Mary, she's the worst for me.  Her fake crying/acting out when she doesn't get her way is ridiculous.  If Brandan doesn't leave her, his life will be filled with nothing but problems.


Violet/Riley - don't care for either one of them.


Danielle and what's his name - she's in her 40's, not enough $ for a baby and I think she's forgetting how much energy one needs for a newborn.  


I can't recall all of the other couples other than Meisha/Nicola, Holly/Wayne and a few others.  Just don't see any long standing relationships with them.

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

@HisElk1  I sometimes don't know why I watch this show- but  the 90 Day Fiance franchise is a truly shocking and entertaining escape into drama trash tv Smiley LOL.  Mary's annoying fake panic attack was the only time I've ever almost had to fast forawrd watching this show.  I can't believe that Brandaaan apoligized to her when she should've apologized to him. 


-Riley and Violet both are hot headed and inflexible- the language barrier just ramps up their fights even more. 


-Danielle and Boy Toy what's his name: according to other forums has filed for bankruptcy multiple times- she's running from the IRS by trying to live in the Dominican Republic.  Danielle can barely speak Spanish and her boy toy is just there for romps in the bedroom and to not have to work at all to support them.  


-Holly and Wayne: Rapunzel is waiting for an evasive guy who has a Crypto gambling problem to be honest with her. She wants to be supported financially, but she could easily set up a barber shop in south Africa and help bring in money to the relationship.

She always dresses like she's going to see the Chippendales for a night out. 


-Meisha and Nicola: why in the world does she want to be a teacher to a guy who is emotionally stunted in development and a 46 year old virgin?! She's a pretty lady and would be the cat's meow where she's from.  I can't help but think that she's only bonded to him because of her extreme religious awakening aka untreated medical emergency while vacuuming.  

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

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On the preview for next week Mary is holding up a pregnancy test. Did anyone else see it? No money or job but wanted a baby. Of course she is crazy.


How about Shakinah and her sister Sakina or whatever her name is? They think they guy she's moving for is hot but I am not seeing it. They all look so plastic to me. I feel sorry for the daughter. Is TLC trying to recreate a Darcey scenario?

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

Mary and Brandan are selling chips from the Philippines, junky jewelry and drawings they made online. Still no official word on whether or not they've been fired but they are definitely hurting for money.

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

@colliemom4 wrote:

Mary and Brandan are selling chips from the Philippines, junky jewelry and drawings they made online. Still no official word on whether or not they've been fired but they are definitely hurting for money.

@colliemom4 , you say they are selling "chips" along with the other stuff.  What are chips? 


If she is pregnant, his life will be over for good.  I wouldn't want to think about having a life with someone like her.

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

@HisElk1 wrote:

@colliemom4 wrote:

Mary and Brandan are selling chips from the Philippines, junky jewelry and drawings they made online. Still no official word on whether or not they've been fired but they are definitely hurting for money.

@colliemom4 , you say they are selling "chips" along with the other stuff.  What are chips? 


If she is pregnant, his life will be over for good.  I wouldn't want to think about having a life with someone like her.

@HisElk1  Potato chips. I'm pretty sure she's pregnant. I've been reading about it for a long time.

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

@colliemom4  So Mary and Brandan are selling a hodge podge of completely useless stuff and snacks to try to get by? No actual skills or learning of trades for employment between the two? Why are they even bringing a baby into their lives when they can barely even support themselves? I hope to never see this couple again on this franchise as I can't take Mary's manipulative crying fits and spineless Brandaaan. Smiley Very Happy

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

@SportyShorty07 wrote:

@colliemom4  So Mary and Brandan are selling a hodge podge of completely useless stuff and snacks to try to get by? No actual skills or learning of trades for employment between the two? Why are they even bringing a baby into their lives when they can barely even support themselves? I hope to never see this couple again on this franchise as I can't take Mary's manipulative crying fits and spineless Brandaaan. Smiley Very Happy

@SportyShorty07  Yes. They're selling everything they can get their hands on. I guess one of them will eventually figure out they need to get a real job. I'm sure it will be Brandan. ITA with you about never wanting to see them again so hopefully we won't. I think both of them are crazy. At first I thought it was mainly Mary but I now think they both are nuts. It is sad that they'd bring a baby into this.

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Re: 90 Days--The Other Way--July 10, 2023

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@colliemom4  ITA they are both nuts! Maybe Brandaaan is into drama and Mary dishes it out.  They're so immature and I can't even believe that they're bringing a baby into this toxic unstable mess of their lives.  Divorce is illegal in the Phillipines so Brandan is trapped for life.  I don't get the allure- she's dramatic, she kind of looks like a tree frog and she makes him unable to talk to women even if they're strangers or family yet she can have a gaggle of guy pals as friends to feed her ego. 


     Good luck to them and their ill fated cheap chip/snack get rich quick scheme.  I have a lot of patience for this show and have watched it since the very first episode, but I will seriously quit watching a season in the future if they put Mary and Brandaaan on again.  I have to change youtube videos everytime I see youtube recaps/commentary and they play Mary's fake panic attacks and Mary pleading "Pleeeassse what do you want me to doOoOoOooo?!?" it makes me cringe :Smiley LOLSmiley Frustrated