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Registered: ‎09-08-2010

There's a story on Soap Dirt about Laura being stranded in Equador but it sounds like she wants to be there because the cost of living is so low. They said she's thought to have taken advantage of the welfare system here and overstayed a visa, but she was here for so many years so I find that difficult to understand. She even has an expensive dog there lol. If she's as bad with money as I've read, loves to blow it on drinking etc. I wonder how long she'll be able to stay there? She may drink Evelin out of her bar. They are the perfect friends.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Why are they bringing Jesse back? 


Seems to me it's just to stir the pot now.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

"Laura Jallali is Canadian, but lived in Florida for many years. It’s where her son Liam O’Toole was born, and where she lived before making the move to Qatar to be with Aladin Jallali. There are claims coming out suggesting she frauded the welfare system. She recently revealed at the 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way Tell-All that she lost her benefits. And, she added that she’s out of money.

AnDre Leila (Laura’s ex and Liam O’Toole’s father) said something similar weeks ago about Laura Jallali. AnDre said Laura got deported from America prior to moving to Qatar to be with Aladin Jallali on 90 Day Fiance. It seems that Laura may have overstayed her visa and may have been working illegally. Along with getting the boot from the United States, it’s been reported she lost welfare and other benefits. So, perhaps she saw Aladin Jallali as a reasonable escape route."


I read the above on Soap Dirt. It seems to explain alot. 

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Registered: ‎09-08-2010

aladin 2.PNG

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Posts: 648
Registered: ‎01-07-2018

I believe Alladin - just can't understand why he would ever marry someone like her.  Its obvious to me that he could do better.