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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

Corey kept saying how much he cared about Evelin but he NEVER ONCE looked at her.  I found that very telling......  I kept saying to myself - "look at her, not at the screen".....  He talked TO her, but never looked AT her.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

@colliemom4 wrote:

@drizzellla  Evelin posted that we may see more of her and Corey in the future. It makes me wonder if TLC wants to use them again and drag their problems and subsquent counseling into it.

Oh Please - Guess if that happens, it will be time for me to take another break from the show. Can't stand to watch another minute of Corey and Evelin being miserable. 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

Corey is a total fool to put up with Evelin. I don't know if it's scripted or edited to make her seem like the wicked witch, she's horrible to him, then she throws him a bone to keep him around.  He's brainwashed.


I kept wondering with all the screen time Evelin's horrible sisters got this season if Cory and her are getting a spinoff show.  I don't watch spinoffs with just one couple,  that one I would never watch.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

@decaf wrote:

Corey is a total fool to put up with Evelin. I don't know if it's scripted or edited to make her seem like the wicked witch, she's horrible to him, then she throws him a bone to keep him around.  He's brainwashed.


I kept wondering with all the screen time Evelin's horrible sisters got this season if Cory and her are getting a spinoff show.  I don't watch spinoffs with just one couple,  that one I would never watch.


I do believe that Evelin is mean and selfish. Her sisters don't seem like very nice people either.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

@sophiamarie wrote:

Back to Ari and Bini - She is a spoiled brat.  A "nanny" for the baby???  Neither of them work.... Her parents are supporting them.  I think Ari has some "problems" and maybe that's why the parents are hovering over them?  Whatever - I still don't like her.  I like Bini and hope he gets a job and starts supporting his family.  They live in Princeton NJ - a lot different than Ethiopia....

Me thinks Ari's parents paying for a nanny is really Ari's parents paying for a friend for Ari. It's probably nice to have the help, but Ari had zero friends in Ethiopia.  Hiring a nanny in a third world country is very inexpensive in American dollars. 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

I think Ari is a nice girl who is sincere. She is a bit spoiled and has this rich girl syndrome, but this is how she grew up and it is not her fault. Considering what she had to put up with with Bini I think she's doing quite fine. I see nothing wrong with having a nanny if her parents want to pay for that. She is honest and upfront about her mom and dad and the fact that she and Bini and Avi are being completely supported by them. I give her credit for not lying about it. She knows her shortcomings and she's not deceiving anybody. I think she's had psychological problems in the past given her visible cut markings and just the way she seems to fall apart, shake and cry in situations that can be managed easier, and her family knows and understands that. They are doing their best to help her, but unfortunately with Bini and Ari having no job skills I don't see how they can continue having a life together. Ari's parents can only financially support their daughter and granddaughter for so long and she'll probably end up moving in with them eventually without Ari.


Alina is strange. The way she was dressed on the Tell All was dated and matronly. I don't particularly think that her make up did anything for her. The eyes were overdone and too much of the foundation/power made her face look ghostly. I don't remember her dressing like that in the season's episodes although her long frizzy hair was annoying sometimes. She is (or being portrayed as) inexperienced and sheltered, however her desire to come to the US no matter what and even with a guy like Steven is very apparent. I wonder how much of what she was portrayed to be is scripted. Her mom looked genuine, but again who really knows...


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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

@kitty_nina wrote:

I think Ari is a nice girl who is sincere. She is a bit spoiled and has this rich girl syndrome, but this is how she grew up and it is not her fault. Considering what she had to put up with with Bini I think she's doing quite fine. I see nothing wrong with having a nanny if her parents want to pay for that. She is honest and upfront about her mom and dad and the fact that she and Bini and Avi are being completely supported by them. I give her credit for not lying about it. She knows her shortcomings and she's not deceiving anybody. I think she's had psychological problems in the past given her visible cut markings and just the way she seems to fall apart, shake and cry in situations that can be managed easier, and her family knows and understands that. They are doing their best to help her, but unfortunately with Bini and Ari having no job skills I don't see how they can continue having a life together. Ari's parents can only financially support their daughter and granddaughter for so long and she'll probably end up moving in with them eventually without Ari.


Alina is strange. The way she was dressed on the Tell All was dated and matronly. I don't particularly think that her make up did anything for her. The eyes were overdone and too much of the foundation/power made her face look ghostly. I don't remember her dressing like that in the season's episodes although her long frizzy hair was annoying sometimes. She is (or being portrayed as) inexperienced and sheltered, however her desire to come to the US no matter what and even with a guy like Steven is very apparent. I wonder how much of what she was portrayed to be is scripted. Her mom looked genuine, but again who really knows...


I think Steven just wants to be on tv, or should I say on as many reality shows that will have him. I find it tough to believe that multiple women desire him. He probably feeds them a lot of lies and then dumps them after they're intimate with him if they even are.


I read that Alina is enrolled in a college here yet lives overseas. I wonder if she is doing her studies online or if that's even allowed. It's some type of Mormon university.


Ari was a freelance writer though it appears she's always lived on her parent's money. Given her mental health history I wonder if she'd be able to work a normal steady job.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

@kitty_nina  Ari's too involved mother went to Kenya (and Ethiopia) in support of Ari's and Bini's relationship.  She knew that Ari had applied early on for the K1 visa and it was always a possibility that Bini might be coming to the US and marrying Ari.


So her parents had to know they would be supporting their daughter, SIL and grandson in Princeton for the foreseable future.  After seeing Ari's mom in action on this show, UGH,  I'd say she (or both parents) bear some, or a lot of the responsibility for Ari's problems and her inability to support herself, emotionally and financially.  


I actually liked Leandro for Ari more than I did Bini, except for this last scene on the Tell All when he told Bini he wasn't staying away from her.  Maybe that's his true selfish, immature personality.  All three are in Princeton now.  Maybe that was just made for TV drama, we don't really know.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

Alina studying here in the US explains it all. She's been after "getting a western education" from the beginning and I guess Steven being a Mormon has helped in arranging for a scholarship for a possible new convert. Just goes to show the girl has no moral ground to stand upon. These two deserve each other.


Hannah is adorable and probably looks like her late mother because I see zero resemblance with Armando. Armando, in turn, looks NOTHING like his parents. I always found it very strange that he speaks English like a native whereas the rest of his family (and his sister!) do not. Learning to speak English that well from watching TV shows (as he claimed) is impossible. Armando looks and sounds like he's been to the US many many times and probably went to school here! I can't stop by think that he's an actor. I doubt that his dad would have turned around this quickly and accepted 1. his son being gay and 2. a same sex wedding with all the friends and family in attendance. Because he speaks English so well and because he doesn't look like anybody in his family I have difficulties to believe that he is who we are told he is. Hannah may or may not be his daughter (why doesn't she speak English as well as her dad?)  but the guy is definitely off.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

Furthermore, Hannah is not a name you'd see that often in Mexico. THe spelling would be different and so will the pronounciation! I am getting a vibe the girl is either not named Hannah in real life or she was born in the US and just happens to have good Spanish. Either way she too may be an actor.