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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

Glad I didn't spend the entire time watching the show.


Every other sentence Jenny was saying had something about getting married to Summit. How many years has this been going on? And it hasn't happened. All she is doing is getting older and it shows. Guess they just want to keep the same storyline going for the check from TLC.


And suddenly the tables are turned on Corey. Evelin had numerous boyfriends while she was dating Corey. And now all the sudden Corey had a girlfriend and it is a big issue.


Ariela having her ex come and visit. She is looking for drama.


It is painful to watch. Seems like they all have issues and are added to the issues instead of resolving them.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

For someone her age I can't stand how Jenny behaves. Did anyone see the preview where she said goodbye to all her grandchildren and daughters? She has another daughter though she wasn't shown. They tried reasoning with her but she acts like a young child saying she needs to be happy too. Sorry, but how can you be happy in the situation you are in and in that location.


There was also a preview of Sumit's mom demanding Jenny clean the floor then telling her she's worthless. No way would I put up with this ****** especially when she doesn't have to. Sumit's no prize. Jenny needs to get herself some help. Even if does marry her I don't see this being any great life for her.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

Evelin and her, "Did you have $#@ with her?"  How quickly she forgets what SHE did!


Ari.  I feel so sorry for Bini.  She is a spoiled little rich girl with no concern for anyone but herself.  No way would I have the ex stay in my house.  Sounds like she loves him more than Bini, and it's her "best friend".  Nice thing to tell your husband.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

[ Edited ]

I wondered how Ari and Bini's lifestyle had improved so quickly, until I found out last night that Ari's parents are providing funding for them. I guess they are paying for the nanny, too. What mature adult (Ari) would expect her parents to fund her entire family? Bini seems to enjoy staying out at night, even when he is not working. Hummmmm. The storyline about Ari's x-husband coming to visit is absurd. Where does TLC find so many wacky people? 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

With Bini being in the entertainment industry, and the clubs closed, it's no wonder he doesn't have work.  But they did say he went to the recording studio a lot. Staying out late though not good.  It did look like a decent place with a nice outside area.  And her parents can afford it at least.


And I wish Ari would talk WITHOUT clenched teeth. Just like Natalie.  Strange.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

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@RainyDayGal Watching another season's prior episode, Bini's act being called entertainment might be  questionable. Ari and Bini seem very immature.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

@DrKelli wrote:

I love Lauren and  Alexi.  They are adorable.

I think they're about the only normal ones out of the whole entire franchise!


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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

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I told my husband that I was taking notes on our new group.  He said, So, you are hopping on that crazy train again.


yep !





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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

I don't understand the scenario where Sumit says his in-laws took his passport.    I don't understand why they have a right to his passport but, furthermore, why can't he just get another one?


Also, I thought that arranged marriage was done now.  Didn't they go through what they had to for him to be divorced?   Isn't he free to get married?  It seems like she keeps ragging on him about getting married and he says nothing.   I just don't understand.



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Re: 90 Day Fiance--THE OTHER WAY--August 29 2021

[ Edited ]

@chickenbutt wrote:

I don't understand the scenario where Sumit says his in-laws took his passport.    I don't understand why they have a right to his passport but, furthermore, why can't he just get another one?


Also, I thought that arranged marriage was done now.  Didn't they go through what they had to for him to be divorced?   Isn't he free to get married?  It seems like she keeps ragging on him about getting married and he says nothing.   I just don't understand.



The in-laws may have taken the passport to keep him from fleeing or to hold it as a hostage for a bribe?  He could ask for it back, or someone from his family, but it doesn't seem that will be happening anytime soon. Things with the in-laws did not end well and his family paid a fortune to them for the divorce. He is to pay his parents back but I don't think he is working and they are living on her social security.


There is no legal reason for the wedding to not take place as per the lawyer but his mother threatened suicide should he go ahead with the wedding. He fears his mother will make good on her threat. 


Now it looks like his parents want to move into their apartment. Kid of a cliff hanger there. Maybe it is cultural for the son to take in the parents at a certain age or stage of health. Maybe they want to discourage the wedding taking place by insisting on moving in knowing she won't like it one bit.