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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

He's a lot of things (not good) but stupid isn't one of them.  Ugh!  Can't stand to look at either one of them.


Isn't a human a strange thing?  I mean we look at them and think...'what would he see (visually) in her'?  But I guess she sees what she wants to see when she looks in the mirror.


I mean, I looked pretty good when I was young.  Not beautiful but OK.  I always thought I was a realist when I look(ed) in the mirror, but I guess some people see what they want to look like?  Just spending a few minutes with him would have told her he was using her...wouldn't you think?

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

@shaggygirl wrote:

OMG I stupidly clicked on that link for Pioneer news and all sorts of scary things happened. Pop ups with warnings and a voice telling me all sorts of bad things were happening with my computer, my credit card info was being broadcast and I had to call some number right away and God knows what else I can't remember cause my brain is still in panic mode. I yelled for my son and he got it off the screen and I restarted and I think I'm ok. NEVER AGAIN AM I CLICKING ON ANYBODY'S LINK ANYWHERE ANYTIME.

Very strange. I clicked on it many times and nothing ever happened. 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

@Annabellethecat66 I realize that some people have a higher opinion of themselves than they should, but in Danielle's case the way she conducts herself in every way leads me to believe she has some serious mental health issues. It's scary, but she really seems to think she's got a lot to offer when she brings nothing but crazy to the table. 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

@colliemom4 wrote:

@shaggygirl wrote:

OMG I stupidly clicked on that link for Pioneer news and all sorts of scary things happened. Pop ups with warnings and a voice telling me all sorts of bad things were happening with my computer, my credit card info was being broadcast and I had to call some number right away and God knows what else I can't remember cause my brain is still in panic mode. I yelled for my son and he got it off the screen and I restarted and I think I'm ok. NEVER AGAIN AM I CLICKING ON ANYBODY'S LINK ANYWHERE ANYTIME.

Very strange. I clicked on it many times and nothing ever happened. 

I went into such a panic I couldn't think straight because the voice sounded so dire and kept saying "your computer blah blah blah and you need to call this number RIGHT AWAY and blah blah blah and pop-ups layered one on top of another. Think the voice said he was from Microsoft. No matter what I clicked on I couldn't get out of it. Thank heavens my son was here and close by. If I was more computer literate I probably would have known the right way to handle it instead of getting in a scared state.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@spot555 I didn't some of what you commented on but I do totally agree with you (especially about the tape and the young woman getting married looking beautiful).


Where is her brain?  He's said over and over his family comes first, that's the way they do things in his country....whatever....yet it appears she went through with it!  If I were her family, I sure wouldn't support her in this decision.  She seems to care what her parents think but evidently, not enough!


Then she'll get a divorce (that's going to cost a chunk) and she'll probably be the one paying alimony and on and on......this (in my opinion) is the saddest one of all.


@Annabellethecat66  I think they were already married, but wanted to repeat it with the families present, but maybe I am just ocnfused, lol.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

@mousiegirl No, I believe you are right because they kept saying that....or rather SHE kept saying that.  How can people be so stupid?  It's amazing to me.....and so sad.


Then they'll get divorced and there'll be yet another idiot here and bring his family and on and on.  What kind of job does he have anyway?

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

I watched a few episodes. They must pay them hardly any money. Because they're all very stupid,  bad acting and losers.  The one girl thinks she's a model she'll never make it. The other one thinks everything should be given to her whatever she wants. Forget it she's not even that pretty. This show makes me want to find and hug a disfunctional   family and say it's OK there's people out there worse than all of you. Just watch some of the reality shows. 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After



Danielle appears to have the mindset of a giddy school girl. I doubt she was popular in school. So now, she thinks SHE got the cute boy & is finding it difficult to let go of that fantasy. 



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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

I read that they get $17,000 per season and that money goes to the American because the foreigners aren't allowed to accept money for a certain amount of time.  That's the lowest amount among all the reality shows.  Some of them have spent more than that just to go to the other country to meet their "soulmate" and buy stuff and then give them money to come over here.  There's nothing left.


Chantel probably did change her name because her brother's name is "River" and sister's name is "Winter".    Chantel and Pedro are married for over a year.  They just did the second wedding for his family in the Domican Republic.


As for Darcy and Jesse (the Swede)... I think she has a serious self-image problem.  Every little thing he does for her, she says she never had anyone do that for her.  Like, pulling a chair out for her, opening a door, leaving 3 balloons and 5 rose petals on the bed????  LOL  Even if it were true, I wouldn't admit that to him because it tells him (and he's not stupid) that she's damaged goods, IMO.  At her age, I wonder why she never met a decent man.  


Jesse is giving her what she wants (within limits).  He's certainly not spending a fortune on her.  He's not going out of his way by any means.  He wants to get over here and then it's all over.  I can't see him marrying her, with two ready-made teens.  He's only 24.  She's 42.  He'll want kids of his own and I don't think she wants that, unless of course, she's that desperate and will do anything he wants.  He is controlling and if she hasn't seen that by now, then it's too late.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@mousiegirl No, I believe you are right because they kept saying that....or rather SHE kept saying that.  How can people be so stupid?  It's amazing to me.....and so sad.


Then they'll get divorced and there'll be yet another idiot here and bring his family and on and on.  What kind of job does he have anyway?


@Annabellethecat66  I think they aren't allowed to work for a certain amount of time, but maybe I am wrong about this.