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8/26/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And a new day dawns in the old BB house with things continuing on course. Janelle's still trying to rally votes to stay. Memphis and Tyler assured her she had their votes (they were lying) and she offered David three weeks of safety and vowed to use a POV on him if he'd vote to keep her and he didn't seem to understand. (Kind of a normal state for David. Understanding isn't his strong suit.)


David is convinced that Nicole A is gone because of Janelle turning on her because she voted to keep David instead of Keesha. He seems very fond of ignoring the fact that Janelle fought like a tigress to keep Nicole A, but that's David. In a generous move, David offered to tutor Kaysar in how to play BB. Sure. The guy who didn't know anything about the POV or double evictions will tutor Kaysar on how to play the game.


Christmas got still more star babies and her total is now up to thirteen. Cody and Daniele got together and agreed that Bayleigh, Da'Vonne, Kaysar, David, and Kevin were all expendable in the near future. No big surprise there. That's how these multi-alliance seasons play out. PIck off the fringe players one by one until they're gone. We can pretty much fast-forward through the next four, five, six evictions as barring a miracle or two, Kaysar, Da'Vonne, Bayleigh, Kevin, David, Ian, Memphis, Christmas, and Tyler will be going bye-bye as Enzo, Cody, Nicole, and Daniele just cruise their way through.


The houseguests had their weekly Covid-19 test (kind of silly as they've been in isolation forever now.) BB then provided some booze for the house. Tyler took two bottles of the beer and put them in his HOH fridge for the Have Nots to enjoy when they're no longer Have nots tonight. (Daniele and Nicole then drank those saved beers a bit later. Classy dames that they are.) Daniele and Tyler then insisted that Nicole had to uninvite Janelle from her wedding in her goodbye message, but to do it in a funny, not mean way. (Okay then.) 


Bayleigh, Da'Vonne, and David got together as word had leaked out that David was telling people Da'Vonne had tried to flip the vote last week. David believes this from the conversation he had with Daniele earlier where she'd told him someone close to him had come to her to get the vote flipped to keep Nicole, but she'd squashed it. Da'Vonne wanted to know why he didn't check with her before spreading her name and he got flustered. She assured him she still wanted to work with him and Bayleigh and the three of them could go far. (Ha! If by far she means one to two more weeks, then yeah.) He tried to protect Daniele and more or less blamed everyone else in the house including Kaysar and Tyler. 


Tyler was less than happy to hear that David was throwing his name out. Tyler and David had a chat and Tyler tried to explain how to play BB to David, but it's David. The Tyler, David, Christmas alliance is a tad shaky now as David is proving to be an unreliable partner. Tyler thinks he's now unlikely to make jury and he's pretty happy about that as he doesn't want to spend weeks/months in the jury house. (A common theme among the all-stars this year. All want to win. None want to spend weeks in the jury house. They got enough money upfront that the extra money for making jury isn't all that tempting.)


Today should find Janelle still looking for votes and support but largely knowing it's a lost cause. Kaysar might just survive a bit farther in the game even if he doesn't win HOH this week as other targets look more tempting for much of the house right now. Bayleigh and Da'Vonne have moved up the target list for anyone looking to make a game move. They're viewed as a pair and breaking up a pair is a smart game move. Memphis still wants Ian/Kevin gone. Everyone's expecting an endurance comp for tomorrow night.


We have a show tonight! On tonight's show, we'll see the aftermath of the nominations, the picking of the POV players, and the POV comp. We may get a tease about what the Safety Suite turns into. (Some are expecting/hoping it turns into a hideaway for the next three or four evicted houseguests to observe the game on the feeds before one of them gets dumped back into the game.) I don't think that will happen. BB needs something to show on the Sunday shows. This Sunday if there is an endurance comp they can show the conclusion of that so they don't need the extra comp, but unless they're planning a series of endurance comps they'll need something to show on future Sundays.


Could they do three or four endurance comps in a row and use the room for the evicted houseguests? They could, but they never have done that many endurance type comps in a row. There's the wall comp, swinging comp, slip and slide comp, chase the balls to find a ticket to roll a ball down the ramp comp, etc. The comps exist to do it. We'll have to see what the future holds, but BB needs something for their Sunday shows. The old food comps used to fill that time slot, but they've done away with those. Filling that Sunday airtime with something viewers want to see is the challenge for BB.


Expect not much of anything to take place today as everyone gets ready for tomorrow's live show. Janelle will be going home (or someplace) and we're likely to see an endurance comp of some sort as the next HOH comp. The wall comp could be won by Daniele and this would be an easy week for her as she'd just nominate Kaysar and a pawn. She doesn't want blood on her hands and doesn't need to get blood on her hands as she can typically manipulate others into doing her dirty work, but with her due to being a Have-Not this week she might decide that being HOH and flushing Kaysar out would be a better option. Kevin insists he'll cling to the wall comp for days if need be to win. (Yeah, we'll see.) Things should pick up a bit again tomorrow as the new HOH gets crowned, but barring a miracle, expect some combination of Kaysar, Bayleigh, Da'Vonne, Kevin, and Ian to be nominated for eviction. 

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Re: 8/26/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I thought I would post an answer so you did not think you were talking to yourself. I am still watching but am just bored with everyone on one side & there are no surprises. We need something to shake things up.

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Re: 8/26/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@CLHS68 wrote:

I thought I would post an answer so you did not think you were talking to yourself. I am still watching but am just bored with everyone on one side & there are no surprises. We need something to shake things up.

I couldn't agree with you more. Even Tyler wondered how this cast qualified as all-stars. We're losing three fan favorites in the first three weeks which doesn't help matters any.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!