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8/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Yesterday saw the POV comp take place and it was apparently the stacking game where they have to stack colored stuff in the right order on the right platform. Cody won the POV, but there were some weird things said afterward. Some say it was done in 49 seconds which would be fast. Daniele said that Memphis took over four minutes (why if it was done in 49 seconds?) and was trying to let Janelle win. More than one player was playing at a time as Cody said he was worried about how fast Kaysar was going then realized Kaysar was using the wrong platform and he double-checked his and knew he was in good shape and continued. If someone's done in 49 seconds why keep going? Strange. We'll have to see what they show on Wednesday's show.


With the POV now in "safe" hands, at least for Cody and his house of many alliances, Janelle and Kaysar will likely remain on the block. Enzo and Cody did chat a bit about possibly using it to save one of them and backdoor someone they consider a bigger threat since Janelle and Kaysar only have each other. Among their possible (though unlikely) options were Ian or Nicole, since they're an obvious pair and aren't trying to hide it. 


Cody was worried that the women in their alliance may be concerned about the girls leaving and making it look more likely that there is a guys alliance, so they're going to let the girls (Nicole and Daniele) decide which of Kaysar and Janelle to evict. (Oh, yeah, Nicole will keep Janelle, for sure. Yep. No doubt about it. Unless you've ever known Nicole or have watched her or listened to her for more than five minutes. Before Cody can even finish the question Nicole will be screaming "Janelle must go!" Whenever there's a woman on the block that's not Nicole, the woman must go in Nicole's mind. She always wants to be the last woman standing. Well, lying in her case more often than not, but you get the idea.)


Christmas got her punishment which is a star baby that hse has to care for this week. It's a pillow shaped like a star. She has the full line of nursery equipment with it. Kaysar's still upset with how Nicole A left the game and worries about her. Janelle seems resigned to getting the boot and seems relatively happy about it, knowing she has little shot at winning with the house allied as it is and a good life waiting for her on the outside.


On the more braindead side of the house, David and Da'Vonne seem to feel they're in control of the house and can vote out whoever they want whenever they want. It would be more impressive if either ever actually won anything. They're talking about voting out Cody and Tyler when they get the chance. Sure they will. Kevin also seems to feel he has more power than he does. They don't have a clue that they have no allies, no votes, and no power, and are voting out the two people who were willing to truly work with them and not play them along. 


So, this week will almost certainly find Janelle getting the boot, followed by Kaysar the next week. Then the more expendable idiots like Kevin, Da'Vonne, David, are likely to go unless the power alliance decides to keep them around and start picking off higher-profile players like Ian, Memphis, Christmas, or Tyler.


As all-stars go, many of these people (David, Kevin, Da'Vonne in particular) don't know a whole lot about how the game is being played. They're going to get picked off whenever the rest want them gone.


We have a show tonight! On tonight's show, we'll see the thrilling Safety Suite comp which meant nothing this week since those competing in it were all safe from Tyler anyway. Enzo will dodge the laser beams and win the prize then use his plus one on Christmas to help hide his bigger alliance.. (Not that it matters. None of them were at risk this week.) Tyler (who admits he's being more of a villain this season and likely won't win AFP again) will then nominate Janelle and Kaysar and the show will end. Then we'll have a few days of tedium until Thursday's show where a new HOH gets crowned.


I may get a bit creative with the Tuesday or Wednesday update. Things are getting a bit stale in the old BB house. Which way to go? A murder mystery: Who killed this season of Big Brother? Everyone's a suspect. I often do a more medieval theme, we have white knights (Kaysar and Janelle) this year fighting villains (Cody and his minions.) We have a jester in Enzo. We have more than our share of village idiots (Kevin, David, to some extent Da'Vonne) and an evil witch or two (Nicole and Daniele). Perhaps a take on Star Wars since stars figure prominently and Christmas has her star baby as punishment? We have a pair of reluctant heroes (Janelle and Kaysar) battling an evil empire (Cody's army of alliances). Ian as Yoda? Kevin or David as a malfunctioning brain-dead droid? I don't know. I'll have to see if inspiration strikes me in some manner. This strikes me as a boring week so Tuesday or Wednesday would be a good time to play with things a bit.

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Re: 8/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman  Your idea sounds great. I am finding this season sort of boring. So that would spice things up.

By the way I purchased your new book. I did not start it yet so I have something to look forward to reading.

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Re: 8/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Despite the fact this is a rather boring week in the scheme of things, both Wednesday AND Thursday nights took home the ratings trophy for the week !!  I could understand Wednesday night but Thursday was the final night of the competition which was the political convention finale ...  weird !!  

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Re: 8/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!



BB has won the ratings every night so far. The Thursday show in two weeks (September 10th) is when that could all change as BB will be going head to head with the NFL on Thursdays and Sundays. If BB somehow beats the NFL, well CBS may decide to keep it on in the fall from now on. I don't think it will beat the NFL, but if it does, wow!

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Re: 8/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

THIS IS A QUICK QUIZ ...  winner gets a trip for two to the lovely and popular Portland, Oregon ... O.K. which houseguest said this ...


"Danny ...  Bayleigh is not being nice to me ...   booo hooo booo hooo ...  I don't know what it is but first she was nice to me but now she's not"


(JEOPARDY music playing)


o.k. ...  ten seconds ...

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Re: 8/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Hi @Pantsonfire2, imo the more important question here isn't the who but the why. However, if you're really set on a who question how about who is Bayleigh's roomie in the have not room this week and who is becoing closer to her by the day?


Then consider how, if not nipped in the bud immediately (or say by Thursday night), that relationship could have the potential to change the course of the game. 


Sometimes a little wine does a body good. Smiley Wink

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Re: 8/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@SusieQ_2  ...  OMG ...  I don't know who that would be ...  I know Bayleigh and DaVonne were roomies a bit ago but I'm not sure now ...  you stumped me @SusieQ_2 ...  is it David ??  I know Bayleigh is a have not and upstairs with Janelle and Enzo and Cody ...  o.k. ...  I give up !!  

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Re: 8/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Pantsonfire2 wrote:

@SusieQ_2  ...  OMG ...  I don't know who that would be ...  I know Bayleigh and DaVonne were roomies a bit ago but I'm not sure now ...  you stumped me @SusieQ_2 ...  is it David ??  I know Bayleigh is a have not and upstairs with Janelle and Enzo and Cody ...  o.k. ...  I give up !!  


I thought I was being obvious but I guess I got a little too creative (for lack of a better word) with my comment. Sorry about that! 


You have the bodies right--Janelle, Enzo, and Cody. Which of those three do you think might be working Bayleigh? Here's another's the same person who tried to work Bayleigh last week. Answer: Janelle


Nicole sees the relationship between Janelle and Bayleigh building and she knows what's coming next. Bay will be campaigning to keep Janelle. If those two managed to team up and build an alliance around them they could be a force to be reckoned with.


Nicole, regardless of her voice, is a very good player. She sees what's coming and is working overtime, as she should, to make sure Janelle is the target this week instead of Kaysar. 




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Re: 8/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

To make my first post more clear I should add that there's a reason Nicole is making the rounds and telling this story. I do believe Nicole is sensitive, and I can't get completely in her head, but my gut tells me sensitivity has far less to do with her complaint about Bayleigh than gameplay--and it's good gameplay at that. 


She's gone to Dani, Christmas, Ian, and maybe others to let them know Bayleigh isn't being kind and they ate it up hook, line, and sinker. They're going to be a lot less inclined to listen to Bayleigh's campaign pitch to keep Janelle if they believe she's not being kind to their alliance member. And now that Christmas isn't happy with Bayleigh she's been campaigning to Enzo and Cody saying Janelle and Bayleigh are too close and Janelle needs to go before Kaysar. Nicole knows exactly what she's doing.


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Re: 8/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

the reason i find this years show boring is not having bbbad,seeing the show three times a week with edits just not good. I love watching it all week ,you see so much more of the drama,get to know the characters more,just not the same without it this year,a big mistake.Tucka.