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Anyone watch last night? That was crazy with Amy crying and carrying on. I'm sure she was hormonal and I do feel for her but Michael should have helped her more. Yet apparently he needs to be told what to do. I think he may have some type of learning disability. Amy may too. I'm not trying to be mean. I am serious.


Amy does not taking her weight loss seriously and will soon be right back where she was. If she wants to be a good mom then she needs to take care of herself.


It sounded like Tammy was going to cough up a lung in the ambulance. Glad she made it there safe and sound.


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@colliemom4 wrote:

Anyone watch last night? That was crazy with Amy crying and carrying on. I'm sure she was hormonal and I do feel for her but Michael should have helped her more. Yet apparently he needs to be told what to do. I think he may have some type of learning disability. Amy may too. I'm not trying to be mean. I am serious.


Amy does not taking her weight loss seriously and will soon be right back where she was. If she wants to be a good mom then she needs to take care of herself.


It sounded like Tammy was going to cough up a lung in the ambulance. Glad she made it there safe and sound.




In the Amb. the nurse was heard asking Tammy if she would like to have her head raised more....of course she should have so she could breathe better....but she didn't do it!  


preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Yes, we watched last night, though I have to admit, most of them are getting on my last nerve, including all of the family members.


I think you are right @colliemom4 about their lack of education, especially when I saw Amy referring to Covid as "covic".  


From the time it started, all she did was whine about everything.  Well, too late now - she has 2 little ones to take care of and now she's already exhausted.  Yes, the hormones will have some play in it; however, I suspect we'll be hearing about it more each week.  Michael sure didn't help out when they were having their "get together "eating party" as he was busy shoveling it in his mouth.  It seems like the thing that holds the family together is food and plenty of it.


Does anyone know if Michael works and if so, what his line of work is?


Amanda seems to be the 'know it all' and must love being in front of the camera.  


Glad to see Tammy made it safely, though she should've listened to the nurse about propping up her bed which she seemed to ignore as @cowboy sam posted.  

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@HisElk1  Michael was working at some sort of mill. I assume he still is. He's known Amy since high school but apparently they didn't start a relationship until later on because from what I understand he was married to someone else.


I've always been a little leery of Amanda and wondered if she's being her true self or playing a role. She's definitely got an answer for everything.


I also think that Amy is never going to stop complaining about her problems. Why did she have her kids one right after the other? That was her choice. She could have waited longer. Even her doctor told her to. That's what she gets for not listening to reason.


The Tammy in the ambulance scene was disturbing and I'm tired of the family doing nothing but eating when they're supposed to be morbidly obese and getting healthy.


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@colliemom4 wrote:

@HisElk1  Michael was working at some sort of mill. I assume he still is. He's known Amy since high school but apparently they didn't start a relationship until later on because from what I understand he was married to someone else.


I've always been a little leery of Amanda and wondered if she's being her true self or playing a role. She's definitely got an answer for everything.


I also think that Amy is never going to stop complaining about her problems. Why did she have her kids one right after the other? That was her choice. She could have waited longer. Even her doctor told her to. That's what she gets for not listening to reason.


The Tammy in the ambulance scene was disturbing and I'm tired of the family doing nothing but eating when they're supposed to be morbidly obese and getting healthy.


Thanks @colliemom4  for the info about Michael. 
As for Amy, I'm thinking the same.  She should've thought about another baby since the doctor told her to wait; now it's going to be all complaining.  When you have children 2 years apart of less, it's a lot of work and not much sleep.  I know as that's what I did.  And being an only child, I didn't have much help/support other than my parents when they could.  She has many siblings that can help out.  I also thought I heard Chris/wife say they were raising their grandson?  Not sure about that one.
It's going to be interesting to see what happens with Tammy after the surgery and how well she'll listen to the doctor.  I'm thinking if they get her another counselor, it won't be the one she had previously.  She was very good and Tammy treated her horribly IMO.
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Based on the way Tammy carries her weight, I'd think having any type of surgery would be really super risky for her, but then, also is all that weight combined with all her other physical problems. 


She looks way heavier than a lot of the folks that Dr. Now tells to first lose weight before he'll perform surgery on them on My 600 Lb. Life.

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Tammy is out now. Amanda, Tammy and Amanda's son were on TikTok and Tammy was drinking sweet tea and ate part of a donut. Now why would Amanda encourage that? I forgot to say that a guy who claims to know Amanda posted on fb that she drinks a lot and is mean but who knows whether or not it's true.


I believe Chris's daughter Emily has a baby. I didn't realize he and Brittany are raising it but that's what it sounds like. 


I am wondering where Tammy is living. Apparently the marriage between her and the guy at the rehab was never legal lol.

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I never liked Amanda from the beginning! Always, thought she jumped on the gravy train whereas Chris was around to help from the start! At that picnic or get together even those young boys in back -nephews-I guess -are hugh!!
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Re: 1000 lb Sisters

[ Edited ]

I think all of these TLC shows reach a point where you can no longer stand the " characters."  You may have empathy for them when the show first airs, but they become more and more obnoxious as the seasons progress.  Their stories may be real or fabricated, but this is true nonetheless.

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Hi Everyone! I've been unable to sign in for over a week and have had a blast reading all the posts.


I think it would be a good idea to start a new thread as this one is getting really looooong!


I loathe Amanda for lots of reasons. She's a pig IMO and I don't mean her looks tho she is very overweight. She wants a part of the action.


And being so fake and consoling Amy and telling her wht a good mom Amy is. She isn't. She doesn't feed her older child properly and has a filthy mouth.


I think both kids will be fat and talk like the rest of the  famiy. It's pitiful.