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Re: 10/11/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman wrote:

That's one of the problems with this version of BB. There's no real downside to throwing comps if you think you're safe. Very few players are playing to win each week. Bowie wasn't playing to win this week, she just stumbled into it. Win a lot (like Cameron and now Jag) and you make yourself into more and more of a target. Just sit back and watch the game, and you can go far.


An interesting option would be to give the HOH this week an extra chip or two in the POV player-picking bag the next week. Give them a reward going forward for winning HOH this week. Maybe make it cumulative. Wiin one HOH and you always get an extra chip in the POV player bag. Win two, you get two extra chips. Win three, you get three extra chips. Maybe make the outgoing HOH immune from slop for a week or two. Maybe make them safe from nomination the week after their reign.


Winning HOH now carries with it long-term pain. It just makes you more of a target. Make the reward for winning HOH better so everyone wants it, and it helps their game further on.

Yup,once you start winning, you have to keep it up or you are gone-I'm sad to see Cameron leave...and yes, Cameron-they are voting you out because they can't beat you-has there been an America's favorite yet?

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Re: 10/11/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I came to like Cameron because he was actually playing the game and showing that he wanted to win!  And as I've mentioned before, I don't get the feeds so I don't see much of what goes on.  I trust the judgment of all of you who say Cameron is not a nice person, but I still say he was at least trying to win!

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Re: 10/11/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Cam's calmed down and is behaving nicely today. He's back to being normal Cam now. He's accepted he's a goner and is wondering how life is the jury house will be.

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Re: 10/11/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Love him or hate him,at least Cameron is playing the game.  I am so disappointed in Bowie.  When everyone in the house shunned her, Cameron befriended her.  He even would have taken her to the final two if he could.  

I don't understand what Cameron did to Bowie that she will not even speak to him let alone look at him.  She is not the only one.  It is awful the way they are ignoring him.  I guess everyone forgets that he is a jury vote.  Cirie figured it out.  

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Re: 10/11/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

It doesn’t matter how bad they treat him. He knows they all dislike him so why pretend. He has to vote for one of the two in the end. Meanwhile, he’s done with his manipulation of people in this game. I’m sure he’ll show up at another reality show soon.
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Re: 10/11/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Finally, last week things started to change a bit in a good way. I was getting tired of the same ole, same ole as far as the HOH goes and the shows were pretty boring. I’ve pretty much enjoyed every episode since last Thursday. I will not be sad to see Cameron go but I certainly would love to see that smug
Cory go next and he can take his stash with him. It doesn’t
even look real. I cannot understand for the life of me what
America sees in him. She is a beautiful woman. I have been
trying to watch feeds more and I’m happy to see that Cirie is
spending a fair amount of time with Cameron. She is no dummy. Is she the only one thinking about the jury votes? I had to laugh when I heard Cory say that he needed to work on his jury management. I think it’s a little late for that now, so initially I was all in for Cirie and then I kind of went away from that but now I’m back to liking her, blue, and Felicia. From the beginning, I sort of wanted Matt to win but I’m thinking that maybe he is a snake - not sure what to think of him lately. There was a poll on Twitter asking who would be your picks from this season of big brother - one man and one woman to be on the Challenge. I picked Hisam and Izzy.
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Re: 10/11/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Yes, he has to vote for someone but most people would prefer it to be them and not the person sitting next to them.  One vote could be the difference between winning and losing.  


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Re: 10/11/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

Has not been a favorite season for many reasons. First, with the writer's strike I would have thought it would have started sooner.


Second, hate all their twist. Hate even more regurgitating past players or players from other CBS shows. 

Loyality this season has been in very short supply. 

Floaters, floaters everywhere.


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Re: 10/11/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@GRANNY77 wrote:
It doesn’t matter how bad they treat him. He knows they all dislike him so why pretend. He has to vote for one of the two in the end. Meanwhile, he’s done with his manipulation of people in this game. I’m sure he’ll show up at another reality show soon.

I was absolutely thinking the same thing-we will see Cam again and he'll have a win-he's a smartie! Probably could win Amazing race...