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09/16/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Jared did the expected yesterday and nominated Cory and America. Neither one is his prime target though. Cameron remains the target with Bowie as the fallback option should Cameron win POV and use it on Cory or America. Cirie and Jared really don't like Bowie. 


Yesterday, we saw Blue putting on her detective hat to try and figure out what had happened in the previous 36 hours. She chatted up those in the house she has some trust in (Cory, Jag, Matt, America) and got their versions then listened as Jared told her his version of the events. She clearly wasn't buying what Jared was selling but seems to be back playing along with him, for now anyway. Blue is an interesting player. She might be targeting Jared for eviction in the coming days/weeks. Blue is complicated.


Jared tried to convince Cirie that Izzy must have told Blue about them being related. Cirie was pretty adamant that Izzy wouldn't have done that. (Nope. It was Jared who told Blue.) We'll have to see if Blue shares that knowledge. It's a powerful weapon for her. 


The current status of alliances is largely couple related. America and Cory are solid with one another. Jared and Cirie are solid with one another. Felicia and Mecole/Meme made a new final two yesterday and are solid. Cirie, being Cirie made another new alliance with her Jared, Blue, and Matt. I'm not sure how all-in Matt is on any of the many alliances he's in. He's just bobbing along in the middle and getting a free ride. Matt, Jag, and Blue are more or less allied also. Cameron is the lone wolf of the house. He's on his own.


We have the picking of the POV players today. If America gets houseguest's choice, she's planning to pick Blue. Cory's planning to pick Matt.  A good draw for them would Cirie, Felicia, and Mecole/Meme. None of them would be overly interested in winning POV or likely to win POV. I'll post back after we know the players and then after the POV comp. Whoever wins POV is expected to use it this week. I don't really see anyone winning it and not using it.


Jared is the big target for the double eviction on Thursday. He needs Mecole/Meme, Cirie, or Felicia to win the HOH to avoid being nominated. Pretty much everyone else will put him and Cirie on the block. Only one could be saved with the POV. Thursday's show looks like it might be must-see TV. It should be a fun one. The odds of Cirie or Felicia winning the HOH are pretty slim. Jared can't play as outgoing HOH, so we're likely to see Cirie and Jared on the block. Will one sacrifice their game to let the other one stay? I think Cirie might be over the whole BB thing about now and might be willing to walk away. We'll have to see.

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Re: 09/16/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

They're picking the POV players as I type this. It's been a busy morning already. Jared, Cirie, Blue, Felicia, Jag, and Matt all gathered in the HOH room to affirm that they were the one true alliance. Well, at that moment. Jared prattled on for quite a bit about they couldn't keep secrets any longer. (I kept waiting for Blue to blurt out "Cirie and Jared are mother and son!" but she didn't. Pity. That would have been fun.) Mecole/Meme will likely get filled in on the new one true alliance by Felicia. Matt and Jag will likely fill in Cory, America, and Bowie. Blue will likely clue in America. It's a very messy house this year.

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Re: 09/16/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Cameron and Bowie are playing. No word yet on the third player.

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Re: 09/16/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Messy for sure.  Other than Circee and Jared being honest with each other there is no honesty or trust......oops I just remembered Jared lied to mama about telling Blue about her and blaming Izzy.  

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Re: 09/16/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Matt is hosting, so he wasn't picked. Still no word on player three. Blue? Mecole? Jag? It's not Felicia or Cirie.

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Re: 09/16/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

please please please let Cameron win......

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Re: 09/16/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

It looks like Jag is the third player. Word is the POV is OTEV. If true, Cory, America, and Cameron could have an edge. They know BB very well and study. They would know to stage extra tokens for later rounds. Jag is a tad unfocused. Bowie is very unfocused. Jared would be good on the physical part, but would he know the answers?

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Re: 09/16/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I have a suspicion the extra fast wall comp was done so they'd have more time to tear it down and prep the POV comp. The houseguests were commenting after the HOH comp how they were never given a minute to recover. It was just one thing after another nonstop. Water, paint, tilting, getting pounded by the balls, sprayed in the back with the fire extinguisher, there was never a real chance to rest or reset yourself.


That could be why BB was so aggressive with the wall this year. To get it over with quickly to flip the yard.

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Re: 09/16/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Cirie telling Blue that she has no connection with Jared and only connected to him via Izzy, is hilarious knowing what we know. Uh, Cirie, he's your son. I'm pretty sure you have a wee bit of a connection there. Blue is doing a good job of not laughing out loud.

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Re: 09/16/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Cameron says he'll pull down America if he wins the POV. That's their best chance for all three (Cameron, Cory, and America) to stay in the house 

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!