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09/16/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And things are moving quickly now. After Taylor's HOH win last night, we already have the nominees this morning. Turner and Brittany are the nominees. With no Wednesday show and the Sunday and Wednesday shows being combined into just a Sunday show, they're speeding everything up to get it filmed, edited, and ready for Sunday. The POV comp will likely take place today or tonight also. Wednesday's show gets pre-empted for the debut of Survivor and The Amazing Race. They should have started BB a couple of weeks earlier so it wouldn't be going head-to-head with the NFL and need to be pre-empted for other shows.


There won't be a lot of time on Thursday's show as they're bringing back the best alliance the world has ever seen in the Cookout (just kill me now) to get Derek and Azah's take on how well the houseguests are sleeping this year and to hear from Tiffany and Hannah as to how smart it is to vote out the people they were allied with and who would take them to the end. No doubt they'll get Kyland's and Tiffany's take on how showmances play out. Yeah. That's going to be a long segment that will have me zoning out.


The nominees don't really matter as the POV holder has all of the power this week. Taylor is safe, but that's all she gets as HOH. There will only be one vote to evict so there can't even be a tie. This will be a very long week for the houseguests with everything (noms, POV comp, POV meeting) wrapped up by Sunday afternoon and then nothing until Thursday.


Alyssa was on CBS This Morning and said Monte is playing the best game. Yeah. I think everyone sees that but Turner. If Monte gets to the final two, he'll likely win unanimously. And frankly, he hasn't played great, he's just better than the rest. And he's likely to survive this week as Taylor wants Turner gone and Turner and Monte want Brittany gone. Brittany has to win POV, then go rogue on Taylor for Monte to leave and I'm not sure Brittany would do that. My prediction that Monte would win is looking safer and safer each week.


So, a lot of stuff will happen today and tomorrow then it's nap time until Thursday. Not that anything has been all that exciting lately anyway. Monte is cruising toward the win. If he or Turner wins the final stage of the HOH comp, they'll take each other and Monte will win. If Brittany goes this week, then Taylor might even take Monte to the end. (She'd have a better chance against Turner, but she may not see it that way.) Monte will have to work hard or get unlucky to lose the game at this point. I think production would prefer a Taylor win, so maybe the DR will steer the houseguests that way, but Taylor or Monte seem to be the winner. We're just killing time to find out which one it is.

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Re: 09/16/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

That HOH favored the women, Taylor, who's all about fashion, more than Brittney. BB is becoming unwatchable. Last season was just so shameful and it keeps getting spinned into something admirable. It reminds me of The Emperor's New Cloths.

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Re: 09/16/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Yeah, it wasn't a comp that favored Turner, that's for sure. He looked lost on every question and was just randomly putting up true or false. I'm not sure he knew the answer to any of the questions, but in a true/false comp even if you guess, you're going to be right half the time.

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Re: 09/16/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Well I for one hope it's a Taylor win.  She came from being judged for every little thing she did, being put in the block 5 times, blamed for using Monte to get ahead (when Alyssa did the same) and even how she didn't move her mouth when she talked (really) to winning or coming pretty close to it.  If so, this will be one of the best underdog stories in BB.  Either way I give her lots of credit. Now don't everyone get their panties in a bunch (Yikes, I'm old) this is JMO after all.  Go Taylor!!!

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Re: 09/16/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Turner basically gave away the win last night when he didn't vote for Taylor to be evicted.  I don't like her and I don't want her to win, but she may pull it out.  And I will give her credit for it, but I still don't like who she is as a person (at least the person we saw on BB).  

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Re: 09/16/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Taylor has a lot of supporters out there. She's just always rubbed me the wrong way. But hey, different likes for different folks. It'll likely be her or Monte for the win. I think Monte would have the edge in the jury, but the girls might all vote for Taylor. Then she'd need one more vote. Joe? I don't know. I think production would like a black woman to win so they can put an end to that narrative, but we'll have to see how things play out.


Everyone in BB gets judged for everything. This was a very tame year by past BB standards. Especially when you go back to earlier seasons where things blew up on a regular basis. This was the season of microaggressions. We had no large blowups. Watch the highlights of BB 11 and compare those to the highlights of BB 24 and there's no comparison. A lot of Taylor's fans say, "No one's ever gone through what Taylor went through!" They clearly haven't watched past seasons of BB. That house has resembled a war zone on multiple occasions in the past. 


She's done well to get where she is but she's had help along the way. BB canceling the first eviction where she was going out by a unanimous vote was a big help to her. Paloma going gaga and wandering off saved Taylor in week one. In the past production goes ahead with the eviction so the HOH doesn't get punished, but they made an exception this year. It hurt Daniel as his HOH was largely canceled and both of his targets stayed in the house and he was not allowed to play for HOH that week.

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Re: 09/16/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I couldn't care less who wins this mess IMO to much interference by production and they are getting the result they want. What's the point in bringing the cook out back?  Where is Evil Di ck when you need him.   Show is old and tired and needs fresh eyes and a refresh.  Again only my opinion.  


I'll read gardenmans posts to find out the winner but not wasting anymore time watching.  


Thanks to everyone who have posted, I have enjoyed reading them all. 


Gardenman, a huge thank you, I would have bailed without your updates,

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Re: 09/16/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Well, the good news is that the new season of Survivor starts next week and it will give us something else to complain about--as well as reading @gardenman thoughts about it.


I read that they did away with one of the new 'twists' that we saw in the last 2 seasons.

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Re: 09/16/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

There was never going to be a regular first eviction where Taylor would have been voted out. We knew from the first night when Pooch was chosen Backstage Boss, with his pass holders  Alyssa, Paloma, and Brittany, that this was the first week's twist. 


The objective of the first week's eviction was to go from a 16 player game to a 15 player game. That was accomplished when Big Brother threw Paloma out.


Let's look at how things would have gone had they continued with the scheduled twist ~


There were 2 nominees on the block ~ Terrance & Taylor


There were 3 original Backstage Pass holders ~ Paloma, Alyssa and Brittany


The twist was that the houseguests would choose one of the nominees to compete in a competition with one of the pass holders and the loser of the comp would immediately be sent home. Most people believe the house would have selected Taylor. 


Now to the 3 pass holders -


Brittany was saved by America's vote to be safe for the week


Paloma was disqualified from the season


That leaves Alyssa and it's pretty clear by now that Alyssa couldn't win a competition to save her life. 


Once that competition was scraped due to already being one person down as scheduled they moved on to the hoh comp where Taylor and Alyssa did go head to head in comp and Taylor smoked her. The comp involved crossing an obstacle course, climbing across a rock wall, and hitting a button. Alyssa was so far behind that she never even made it to the rock wall and was still struggling on the obstacle course when Taylor won.


If not having a second player eliminated in week one saved's Alyssa. 

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Re: 09/16/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

This season hasn't been that interesting to me.  As much as I didn't like how they were treating Taylor at the beginning, there's always someone who's treated unjustly and mean, but that doesn't mean they should win the game. Taylor wasn't a good player, her first HOH was given to her by Joseph and this HOH was made for her to win.  Now the POV was made for Monte.  BB is making sure they win.  I've really lost my excitement for BB.  Thank you Gardenman for your committment to those of us who enjoy your view of the game.