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Re: 09/14/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Camron seems adept at seeing through other's deception, but can't see through Jared.  I would have thought Jared's refusal to use the veto would have had Cam reevaluate trusting him.

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Re: 09/14/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I think it would be fun if they vote were a 5-5 tie and Cam was the one that got to send Izzy out the door.

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Re: 09/14/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

It would be more  fun at the speeches before they vote IZZY  says thankyou

 I love you all  and vote for me to stay and I especially love JARED  and your

mommy CIRIE.

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Re: 09/14/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@heart of savino wrote:

It would be more  fun at the speeches before they vote IZZY  says thankyou

 I love you all  and vote for me to stay and I especially love JARED  and your

mommy CIRIE.

I would love that!

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Re: 09/14/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@heart of savino wrote:

It would be more  fun at the speeches before they vote IZZY  says thankyou

 I love you all  and vote for me to stay and I especially love JARED  and your

mommy CIRIE.

With this group I think the revelation would have to be more clearly stated.  As you put it most will assume it is just a house relationship like when Felicia is called Mama Felicia and even Cirie is called Mama Cirie by several.


Something along the line of Cirie, you were never successful at Survivor but maybe this time with your son Jared's help you'll take home the prize.


Some may still not get it but seeds would be planted in others and perhaps even confirmation for one or two.



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Re: 09/14/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Jared is very, very upset that Cirie is being voted out. The rest should wonder why he's so upset? Why does it matter to him if Izzy gets voted out? Ask him that. Why doesn't he want Felicia kept?

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Re: 09/14/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

This is a very, very messy house. No one asks the obvious question of "Why does Jared care if Izzy goes?" Clearly she matters way more to him than seems likely.

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Re: 09/14/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I just saw the arguing of Cory and Jared with others watching. I just hope they still stay united and vote Izzy out and keep their new alliance with Cam.
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Re: 09/14/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Jared's lie that Jag told him they were voting out Izzy has been exposed. Matt confirmed that Jared lied to them. Cirie is sitting there having a minor stroke.

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Re: 09/14/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And now the feeds are down until after the show. Pity.

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