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⭐️ Growing Up Chrisley Premieres April 2nd on USA Network

Growing Up Chrisley, which will have a 16-episode season, will follow the siblings as they take a road trip from Nashville to Los Angeles to pursue their dreams. Chase wants to become an actor, while Savannah hopes to strike gold in the cosmetics industry.

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Re: ⭐️ Growing Up Chrisley Premieres April 2nd on USA Network

I do love the original, so I may follow the kids now!

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Re: ⭐️ Growing Up Chrisley Premieres April 2nd on USA Network

I really like the original, so will probably watch this one as well, I also think that Nanny Fay will be on this one a lot, and she is a hoot! Where is the original? It seems like I haven't seen it for quite a while.......

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Re: ⭐️ Growing Up Chrisley Premieres April 2nd on USA Network

@butterfly123  I set the DVR.

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Re: ⭐️ Growing Up Chrisley Premieres April 2nd on USA Network

I love Nanny Faye. I could watch a series with just her and Todd. They both keep me laughing.