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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

My guess his sales on Q2 don't generate enough revenue to justify the salaries of hosts for every program.  I don't think I've ever bought anything during a program there and rarely even watch it.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

  Why not have the vendors on set with live models  - if it is clothing . 

Hosts are for the most part annoying with constant self indulged chatter abt themselves or TMI personal info being shared. 

 I just buy  from  Amazon or another online company  .



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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

Why is there even a QVC2.....they can't  keep up  with the original and their prices are oer the  top so quite 2

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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

@Kathyfobo wrote:

Maybe they should stop giving too many hosts vacation at the same time. These vender shows are boring, theyare not TV personalities they are venders! Why is it HSN can use one host at a time and have very enjoyable shows...Pay attention Q, your 2 hosts shows are annoying loud and crazy. Listen to all the comments from your customers, no wonder we all change the channel constantly and don't watch like we used to.


I agree, multiple hosts make for an awful show. I don't want to watch women debase themselves for so-called entertainment's sake. 


BTW, would you be upset if you couldn't take your vacation time when you wanted? 



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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

Yes but there is a host with him. Same with Wolfgang puck.

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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

I just watched a vendor-only shoe show. When there a connection drop, they went to pictures of the item and played some music until they got it back. On a food show last week, the same thing happened until the next item was up. It was a good thing she was ready to go. When there's actually a host there, they can carry on with the show.
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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2


Follow the money. It costs less to have a vendor do the show and they still get sales.

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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

Absolutely not. Living at the beach, we could never take time off in the summer. Working in Ortho that was a nono because we are so busy when the kids are out of school. Also casino people can not take vacay during summer. So you adjust 

, its really no big deal. No excuse for having several hosts out at once. Amy, Jane, Jayne, Shawn, etc.

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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

If I'm really interested in a product, it doesn't matter to me if it's only a vendor as long as they give us important information.

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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

@cheriere   I totally agrer.