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Re: There should be a QVC Livestream of the Beekman baby goats!




They'll be OK as soon as they return to thier air conditioned barns down on the farm..... seriously....have you ever been inside a barn on a hot humid day?


And the hosts are ALWAYS commenting on how chilly it is in the IS air conditioned you know!!!!


The goats will be fine.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: There should be a QVC Livestream of the Beekman baby goats!

@Othereeeen wrote:




They'll be OK as soon as they return to thier air conditioned barns down on the farm..... seriously....have you ever been inside a barn on a hot humid day?


And the hosts are ALWAYS commenting on how chilly it is in the IS air conditioned you know!!!!


The goats will be fine.


Excuses. Excuses fall flat.  

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: There should be a QVC Livestream of the Beekman baby goats!



O yeah...forgot to mention...the slaughterhouse isn't air conditioned either.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: There should be a QVC Livestream of the Beekman baby goats!

@Othereeeen wrote:



O yeah...forgot to mention...the slaughterhouse isn't air conditioned either.


So that means it's ok to abuse animals.  Got it. 

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: There should be a QVC Livestream of the Beekman baby goats!



O for crying out loud....they are fed while on stage, LOOK well fed, are socialized ( as far as goats can be I would guess) to be held and cuddled...AND, as I mentioned before, the studio is air conditioned....a law of physics allows that cold air sinks so it's probably coolest where they are at floor level...


You're being over dramatic. Of COURSE I don't advocate "abuse" of animals, but this is NOT it.



Sheeesh. Last comment so Please no more accustations that I want to, condone, or advocate abusing animals.


QVC wouldn't DARE show live animals on air with the scrutiny they get from the agencies that supervise such things here in PA.


Take a walk today in your you see poor dogs on short chains with empty food bowls, rancid water or no water, feces all over in thier path,, maybe out in the sun with no access to shade.


THAT'S abuse.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 12,084
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: There should be a QVC Livestream of the Beekman baby goats!

@Othereeeen wrote:



O for crying out loud....they are fed while on stage, LOOK well fed, are socialized ( as far as goats can be I would guess) to be held and cuddled...AND, as I mentioned before, the studio is air conditioned....a law of physics allows that cold air sinks so it's probably coolest where they are at floor level...


You're being over dramatic. Of COURSE I don't advocate "abuse" of animals, but this is NOT it.



Sheeesh. Last comment so Please no more accustations that I want to, condone, or advocate abusing animals.


QVC wouldn't DARE show live animals on air with the scrutiny they get from the agencies that supervise such things here in PA.


Take a walk today in your you see poor dogs on short chains with empty food bowls, rancid water or no water, feces all over in thier path,, maybe out in the sun with no access to shade.


THAT'S abuse.


Thanks for the chuckle. We're done.

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Re: There should be a QVC Livestream of the Beekman baby goats!

Tho the goats are cute, it’s not necessary to have them on the set eating the props or crapping all over the set. Not nice for the person who must clean it all up.
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Re: There should be a QVC Livestream of the Beekman baby goats!

While they are at it, they should show how the baby goats are separated from their moms so that they can give their milk to your soaps and creams.   Then explain what they do with all the boy goats that are born.