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Registered: ‎04-02-2020
Last night during Fri-yay the host tried to selle a hot pink Dooney bag. I wasn’t going to buy it but the way she tried to sell it made me feel like they think I don’t know fashion. The host was wearing a striped red jumpsuit and navy shoes with some trype of design. The host put the hot pink purse on and said “I love a pop of color with color”
Nobody in their right mind would put that outfit together. Shawn does it as well with Isaac. She puts crazy prints together and they both gush over how it’s “killer”
I don’t get it
What am I missing? Jen Coffey and Leah don’t do that. They present outfits a person would actually wear. I felt like the host last night will do anything to sell. I guess she doesn’t know her audience. This is how I feel. I have been watching 30 years. I don’t want to look like a clown and I don’t want a host pushing crazy outfits on me to sell.
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I don't care what they push, if I'm not going to be comfortable wearing it I won't buy it, I only buy black, brown, or an occasional navy purse. I don't like to draw attention to myself. I'm not into "pops of color". I guess I'm boring but I don't want to change out my purse everyday based on my outfits (even though my outfits are shorts, tees and sandals). I don't want other women coming up to me and commenting me on my purse. 

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I agree with you.  I have one hot pink top end bag, bought over ten years ago.  It was bought at an outlet, on sale and to top it off a special discount for October, Breast cancer month for buying PINK!  


I was very active in this cause at that time and used the bag all during May, for spring and October for Breast Cancer awareness.  My outfits all based around the bag.

When I bought this I never thought I would use it so much, love it and get so many compliments on the handbag!

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I guess it is the host job to push items in show.yes,I watched host also last night with the hot pink purse.i have a problem paying over $200 for a purse.

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Pink has been trendy the past few years, one reason, it's one of Millennials' favorite colors.  Now, I think it has caught on with other age groups.  


For those things some of us don't like, there are others who do like them even though we wonder why they do.

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They will say anything to make you buy!

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No sales person can make you buy's all you so don't make them your scapegoat. 

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Registered: ‎04-02-2020

I didn't buy anything

im not making them a scapegoat

Salespeople try to sell. I saying they think their viewers don't know style and try to push stuff.

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@Gavgav wrote:

I didn't buy anything

im not making them a scapegoat

Salespeople try to sell. I saying they think their viewers don't know style and try to push stuff.

My post wasn't directed to you, if it was I would've @ you. Be well.

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Registered: ‎04-21-2010

Yes, when I make my weekly run to shop the produce aisle I must present myself in joggers, scrappy shoes, lace peeking out from the poncho/hoodie and collar popped.  And I must decide on the hobo bag or crossbody and just maybe I need that rfid water bottle thing.  Oh, my hair!  Well I guess I will wear that headband with matching mask.  It kind of clashes with the yellowish pink army green camo I got goin' on but hey, it works! Oops, almost forgot that round box chain with message pendant.  Hoops...oh yeah.  Pinkie ring a must.  Am I ready yet?  Oh no, it is raining.  Gotta get the water repellant jacket on and take the cat print umbrella.  There...I am ready.  Sure hope they notice at the cereal aisle!