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Registered: ‎04-10-2012

Presenting jewelry - Mainly Ring presentations

I have noticed there are more jewelry shows these past few months.......the hosts present and usually give good informative comments about the jewelry...but they RARELY show the "Gallery" of the rings.....i want to see the height of the stone setting and/or the i prefer low profile rings that don't grab or scratch...........bezel setting is my favorite ....but if a ring has a very low setting i may consider it.................PLEASE instruct the hosts to SHOW THE GALLERY of the rings shown.....i am sure others feel the same way when watching the presentations...

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,060
Registered: ‎05-09-2010

Re: Presenting jewelry - Mainly Ring presentations

Sometimes they don't even show rings on a hand, like when Rick is the host.  I always want to see it on a hand to get a better idea of the size.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Presenting jewelry - Mainly Ring presentations

Some hosts are much better at presenting rings than others.  I like to see everything too.  And I like to see it on the host's hand as well as the model's hand, because they will often move rings from finger to finger, and show you every angle. 


That pretty much eliminates the male hosts from the equation.